influence line from mount of venus

Call / WhatsApp on +919825470377. Cross on the Jupiter indicates happy and successful love marriage. Every line of the Grille represents an influence which has affected the life, and the more of these there are, the more the Mount will have Currents which excite it, and consequently fire its qualities. This is generally the husband or wife, as it is at about this age that most marriages occur. Likewise, Starting of the Sun line from Venus mount: mount the line gets the quality of the Venus. Similarly, at the age of 30, a clear line from the Venus mount goes all the way to the mount of Saturn denotes stupendous materialistic success, purchase of a new home, new lifestyle, or promotion with the help of someone. Many people have more than one fate line. This region reveals the love life of the subject. 7-A Line from the Mount of Venus cutting the root of the second finger Difficulty in child -bearing, womb troubles in general. People with a developed Venus mount, love to eat and love good food. 1-A line starting near the beginning of the life Line and running close to it Influence of the mother more. Its a frequent myth that if you fold your hand and the mole is inside, youll become extremely [], The fish sign in palmistry has gained significant attention in recent years, with numerous palmists creating over a thousand videos on YouTube dedicated to this particular symbol. Go over the Influence lines on Mount of Venus to discover what part relatives may play; look to the Mounts for health defects of all the types, and for chance lines pointing from these defects to the island. Mount Ketu is raised or suppressed or there are some special marks on Mount Ketu, it can be . The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes, The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes, B. But it is only an influence or support line if it is close. Many times, this line benefits when estimating the time of marriage. Meaning of crisscrossing lines on Mount of Venus ? The person will get an understandable, loving and caring life partner. Some of these run parallel to the Life line others which run across the Mount (277). vibratory colors; color combinations; dice. Cross on the Jupiter mount. Extreme difficulty within a relationship is revealed when there is an island on the worry line. People always ask me this question: We have got some signs on our palms but no one entered into our lives or even when the person fall in love, he or she sometimes gives importance . The person will be excited about one or the other thing. fortune telling with cards; table of card significations; general significances; the seven triplets; the lucky thirteen; triple nines; the mystic cross; colorology. etc. More frequently (and logically), Inconstancy. 2-A star at the end of a line of influenceInfluence of others negative. deep clear cutting the life line have maximum negative impact. Island Worry Line. It is more appropriate to be called an inspiration line when it originates from the head line or the heart line to touch either the fate or success lines. Lines of Influence inside of the Mount of Venus or Lower Mars a. Concentric to the Line of Life. Function Of Influence Line These lines indicates the extent to which the subject may be influence by others. This line rises at the side of the hand under the finger of Jupiter, encircles the Mounts of Lower Mars and Venus, and in most cases ends under the Mount of Venus at the base of the . "Line of influence." . A star at the base with a sloping Line of Head - Diseased imagination. Mount of Neptune: Located at the base of the palm in the center, between the mounts of Luna and Venus. The general principles which must be applied to lines of Influence are the same in all cases as those which apply to other lines. Venus Mount Crease. Changes in the Life line, following defects or changes in Influence lines, show that the influences have affected the life in a harmful manner. Also available from Amazon: The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes. The Sign of Jupiter - Love for people who flatter one's vanity. Cross-bars cutting the Saturn line (367) are obstructions to the career of the subject. The line of Life is, according to our hypothesis, the third line which receives the Electric Current upon its entrance through the finger of Jupiter. The reason these lines are seen is because the influences have made strong impressions on the mind of the subject, and these mental impressions have shown themselves in the hand. For this and the next observations see also the Chapter on Lints of Influence on, or from the Mount of Venuss. A number of those lines - Nervous nature - worried about trifles. With a similar small cross on the Mount of Jupiter - A happy love affair, with the "one" woman or the "one"man on earth. A much rayed Mount of the Moon would certainly have this meaning. Remembering that these lines represent other people, and by discovering who these persons are in relation to the subject, you can estimate very closely what effect they have on his life. 1-A line starting near the beginning of the life Line and running close to it Influence of the mother more. THE LINE OF DESTINY, ISLANDS, AND OTHER SIGNS. (Fig 27) A star on the end of a line of Influence (281) will indicate the ceasing of that influence, whatever it may be; and, while you cannot state definitely who the person is, yet by noting the distance between this Influence line and the line of Life, you can determine whether the line represents one closely connected with the subject or a more distant relative. Property yog in palmistry Wealth line Inheritance, Different types of Head Line explained in Palm reading. The influence of Mount Ketu and Ketu line palmistry on life affects a person's life in many ways. This section is from the book "The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes", by C. de Saint-Germain. The vertical lines on the Mount of Venus show mainly family influences, whether it be the mother, father or siblings. Vertical Lines On Venus Mount. New members are welcome in the palmistry forum, click here, [] It is wise to use other indicators on the hand, such as influence lines to the fate line (see image below). I have seen several cases of this kind ; the father having died, or been injured, has so shocked the mother that she never recovered. On the Mount of Venus: When Heavily marked, indicates a fatal influence of affection with an opposite gender, and when very small and found close to Line of Life, tells troubles and quarrels with . Ending with Star- Negative influence of others . Answer (1 of 3): To understand its meaning first we need to understand the meaning of the two mounts the mount of Venus and Moon. When there is a line starting from inside Venus Mount and touching the Heart line in a fork or split, it is an indication of emotional imbalance which leads to separation of the couple. venus; saturn; ruling planets of the years. The Influence line in palm reading as the nam. This is why these cross lines cutting the Life line have been called Worry lines. This mount is a representation of the family, desire, romance and love in ones life. The intensity of the influence depends on the how deep the lines are, if the line is deep then the influence is more. I never saw this sign and I should hesitate very much before giving it this meaning. Influence Lines to the Fate Line on the Mount Of Venus. . The reason these lines are seen is because the influences have made strong impressions on the mind of the subject, and these mental impressions have shown themselves in the hand. I have found that they indicate persons who have strongly influenced the life either for good or ill, and that they generally represent members of ones own family or the closest of friends. Answer (1 of 2): Any horizontal line cutting anyline brings trouble. Often such a marking will heal and correct a poor marriage (297). If an Influence line deep at the beginning gradually grow thinner and end in a star, and Worry lines cross from it to the Life line, which grows thin and has a dot on it, the increasing delicacy of a relative ends in death, and the worry over this case brings on delicacy of the subject ending in a severe illness (306). 8-A line from the Mount of Venus cutting a small upward branch of the line of life and ending on the Mount of Saturn Generally indicates divorce or separation. To make reference easier and quicker, I have divided these Influence Lines, so very important to locate and read prop-ery, into Two Divisions, each one of them subdivided, as follows: II, Lines of Influence from the Mounts of Venus or Lower Mars, or the Line of Life. This is an important indication to master thoroughly, for the death of a relative will often change the course of a life, and if some indication be encountered which cannot be explained in any other way, a line of Influence with a star on it may give the clew. Many Yogs associated with prosperity or property can be seen in palmistry. Life Line. The intensity of the influence depends on the how deep the lines are, if the line is deep then the influence is more. Lines And Signs On The Mount Of The Moon, VIII. The first instance is that the beginning of the fate line is on the mount of venus. One has to depend over the location, development and of the mounts. Sun line's presense gives a boost to the existing fate line. Our mental strength, weakness, stability, instability, and inclinations are indicated by the head line. 2-A star at the end of a line of influence Influence of others negative. The meaning of LINE OF INFLUENCE is one of a series of lines that appear on the Mount of Venus inside and parallel or perpendicular to the Life line and that are usually held by palmists to indicate influences on a person's life from outside factors especially by relatives or close friends. The rising branches from the Life line indicating an upward tendency in the life of the subject are sometimes cut by Worry lines (290). Semi-circular crossing the Life Line - Sudden illness or even death of the subject. All Rights participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on featured, recommended, suggested or reviewed products and services purchased through our links to external sites. If a line of Influence break and after a short space start again, and this be repeated, it shows that the influence of the person on the life of the subject vanishes and then begins again, having disappeared and returned several times (296). It i; more likely to mean three deaths in the subject's family. The Lines of Influence are those that are on the Mount of Venus and inside the Life line. The outcome of being warm is the ability to attract people, relations and love towards themselves. Cross on the Mount of Venus. Once more I call your attention to the principle laid down at the end of my readings of the Mount of Jupiter. If an Influence line begin thin and grow stronger and break, and is replaced by another line, and this by another, it shows that, one after another, relatives have replaced each other as the leading influence with the subject (287). Copyright 2002-2020 Quest Mercury Intermedia Private Limited. I must state here, emphatically, that I never saw this sign in the hands of people about to be imprisoned or about entering convent life. At the foot of Mount Olympus bubbles up a spring which changes its flavor hour by hour, night and day, and the spring is scarcely three days' journey from Paradise, out of which Adam was driven. Click Here, Palmistry Services & Astrology for Marriage problems, . I. Rising from the Mount of Venus cutting Life Line and ending on the Mount of Saturn - Divorce or separation. If a branch line emanates from the line of life towards the Mount of Moon, they are signs of trips or travel. If an Influence line end in a star, and a Worry line connect this with a dot on the Head line, the death of a relative will bring on a severe illness of the brain (307). This line becomes the dominating influence of the subject from the time of its appearance if the marriage is happy, but it only shows faintly if the marriage has made no more than a passing impression on the subject. If the Saturn line be more than usually good after this period, it indicates that this ambitious partner has spurred the subject on and increased his success. The Line Of Influence The lines are found on the Mount of Venus either vertically or horizontally. They are also music lovers. The influence lines can arise from anywhere on the palm. This marking shows an impediment to the career of the subject, a check to the upward tendency. This may be mother, father, a brother or a sister. Whether that gain will come through a wife or not - the nature of Venus mount & lines will decide that. The most common influence line is alongside the life line, like a sister line. 6-A semi-circular line just crossing the Line of life Sudden illness or even death of the subject. It will be a bar to the subjects life owing to no. Rising from the Mount of Venus to the Mount of Mercury - Great success in business or science. Ending within the Triangle and cutting no main line. The lines are found on the Mount of Venus either vertically or horizontally. Usually, there will be a connecting line to the fate line or a new section of life line if the change is lasting. Learn what the Influence Line and Worry Line in Palmistry mean, how to Identify them and their characteristics. If an island is found in the any portion of a Plain of Mars then it denotes a duration of great troubles, loss in your profession . A line which starts between the first two fingers and ends between the last two fingers and appears in the form of a semi-circle is called 'Girdle of Venus'. For Main Line Concentric to the Line of Life, see the chapter on the Line of Mars, and the Map of the Hand. Next follow other relatives, grandparents being generally the fourth line. 4-When an influence line begins deep and then grows thin and has gradually grown thinner until it fades away Influence strong in the beginning but gradually grows weaker until it has no effect. The area of Rahu mountain in the palm is considered to be right in the middle, below the headline, near Mars and Venus mountains. Some people become frightened when a mole symptom unexpectedly appears on their hands. You can also learn totke, lal kitab upay and remedies. This generally indicates an increase of Venusian qualities, particularly the sexual appetites. A Brief Resume Of The History Of The Study Of Hands Through The Centuries To The Present Day, The Line Of Head Or The Indications Of The Mentality, The Line Of Head Joined To The Line Of Life, The Line Of Head Separated From The Line Of Life, Crosses And Squares In Connection With The Line Of Head, The Line Of Head On The Seven Types Of Hands, The Line Of Heart As Indicating The Affectionate And Emotional Nature, Influence Lines To The Fate Line On The Mount Of Venus Connection With Marriage, Lines Denoting Children Their Sex And Other Matters Concerning Them, The Girdle Of Venus The Ring Of Saturn And The Bracelets, The Line Of Intuition And The Via Lasciva, The Island The Circle The Spot And The Grille. The presence of these lines reflects the extent to which the subject may be influence by others. Strong deep, horizontal lines from the root of the second phalanx of the thumb to the Line of Life - Qvet-powering influence of the opposite sex upon a portion of the subject's life. If this line is present in a man's hand then he gets the ladder to go up in life from women and vice-versa. Vertical lines on your mount of Venus signify people and their influence. The influence line that comes from Venus mount, then goes as an island between the life line, then the head line, and ends to the fate line without going beyond. The length of these lines tell the duration of the influences as factors in the life of a subject. In a large number of cases these Worry linescutting an upward branch from the Life line have been verified as indicating a legal difficulty. A line starting with several branches from the Line and terminating on the Lower Mount of Mars - Repeated persecutions worrying the subject (a woman) through the passionate nature of the man in the case. A black spat - A venereal disease. The Sign of Venus - Increased qualities otherwise shown by the Mount. The meaning can vary depending on where it is. Got questions? Decades years ago the 'lines of influence' used to run from the Mount of Venus (fleshy mound near base of the thumb) and Mount of Mars (fleshy section above the base of the thumb) right. From my study, many see themselves as spiritually aware. rules of dice divination; list of . In some hands few of these lines are seen, in others there are many, and the more there are the greater the number of persons who have exerted strong influence. When a heavily marked cross is present, it indicates some great crisis or fatal influence of love in the life of the subject. Mount of Saturn: Located beneath the Saturn finger, this mount reveals that the individual is . They tend to influence the people from their surroundings and people often admire them and love to imitate them. The term lines of affection are probably more appropriate nowadays. Influence lines are fine secondary lines on the palm. b. 3-When the Lines are deep,strong and well-coloured Influence of others powerful. For instance, if it represents a union/partnership/marriage, we can use the timeline from the life line to guess the timing. If this Line comes from the first phalanx of the thumb - Death from a metallic weapon (sword or dagger). Lines on mount of Venus. Since then, numerous spacecraft from the U.S. and other space agencies have explored Venus, including NASA's Magellan, which mapped the planet's surface with radar. 3-When the Lines are deep, strong and well-coloured Influence of others powerful. If this line only cut the lines of Influence inside the Life line, it will be expended on the relatives, but if it cut the Life line it will affect the life of the subject. Star is present and distant from Life Line- Possibility of death of a parent at the age shown by the star and a distant relative coming into the life. The Mount of Venus is that pad or cushion of meat that is located just below the joint of your thumb, being the largest of all the mountains that are located in the palm of your hand. It is found at the base of your thumb. wilt-be much loved by a person of the other sex, but it wilt all end in disaster Traditional).. William Benham describes someone who has a large number of influence lines on the Mount of Venus as having a healthy sexual appetite. Only the lines which run inside the Life line are properly lines of Influence. dividing the Mounts of Venus and Moon and is near the starting point of the fate line. They can also represent a supportive partner if along the life line or if it rises to the fate line. 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influence line from mount of venus

influence line from mount of venus

influence line from mount of venus

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