rev2023.3.1.43268. Solution 2 As far as I know ther is no such functionality. It allows Perl, Python, Lua, and other scripting languages to interact with the Android API from your PC after starting an SL4A server on the device -- which can also be done from the PC. This command lets you know the device serial number of the connected device. <packagename> represents the application name package. I am able to display the language menu with following command: adb shell am start -a android.settings.LOCALE_SETTINGS but finally I want to change to language and country directly with adb commands. While they dont provide the same number of goodies that an unlocked bootloader / root has to offer but they still have some nifty workarounds nevertheless. This way you can flash packages directly from your computer without having to transfer them first to your device or any external storage. To set the bitrate to 4MBPS, for example, you can use the following value: Change ADB shell directory using cd
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adb shell commands to change settings