ohio university haunted dorm

Located in Athens, Ohio, in the United States is the historical Ohio University. My freshman year I was bombarded with the typical dorm ghost stories (some of which I later believed!) ohio university dorm tour https://iccleveland.org/wp-content/themes/icc/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 ICC ICC https://iccleveland.org/wp-content/themes/icc . I lived on the very One correction, the University of Pittsburgh is actually the oldest institution of higher education west of the Appalachians. . They discovered that Wilson Hall is built on the same location as the original site of an early cemetery of the Athens Mental Institute. One of the most popular is that the hall was built upon a giant pentagram that can be drawn between five surrounding cemeteries on a map, and indeed Wilson Hall supposedly sits right in the middle of it. Even if I have to pay admission or go on some cheesy guided tour. The number of allegedly haunted places on the site is quite impressive and they are added to the numerous One resident has said of the buildings haunted reputation and her thoughts on it: As someone who lives in Wilson Hall I have yet to experience any of these phenomena's but that is not to say that they don't happen. I lived in Wilson Hall in the fall of 2001. The five major cemeteries of Athens form the points of a pentagram. You're a medical student if you will have completed a bachelor's degree by the time you enroll in classes towards the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. Upon seeing this, they freaked out, and ran to their RA (residential assistant). This technique is known as astral projection. The Ohio State University is actually one of the most haunted sites in the state of Ohio. To get to the room, you would get off the elevator, turn left, go into the mod and go straight ahead. It sounds like you had a very similar experience! The reason it is not on the floor plan is more than likely so the students that dont know where it is dont get the idea to go exploring during the night when no one is awake to stop them. I was born in Athens and have lived here all my life. On the inside theres a weird drawing engraved in the wood of a face just kind of snarling at you with it eyes wide open. 2008 redeem team starting 5; who is sarah davis married to A string of lights that had no batteries in them yet, turned on and started going through the preprogrammed cycle. She also mentioned seeing a girl with brunette hair passing by her door, but when she went to look, no one was there. He also said that he heres giggling in the hallways when no ones there, also his door has slammed shut on many occasions. Spiritualists claim that the building is located at the center of a pentagram formed by five such ancient cemeteries, lending this geographical position extra powers of either safety or evil. Any college worth its salt has a ghost story or two - it's a long-standing part of college lore. Customer #1: "It's a bowl, and it's this big." *Gestures a tiny amount*. I lived on the 2nd floor of Sargent Hall on the West Green, right near Wilson Hall. The student was also rumored to have repeatedly attempted to contact the dead and that she often dabbled in sorcery practices. 1. Or is this just a good dose of spooky urban legend and local lore? Sitting in the center, the Wilson Hall therefore becomes the most haunted place on the campus. It really didnt disturb me until I saw the additional images on the inside of the door, especially the snarling face. Copyright 2023 Bosa Blog Dark. I know someone who lives in wilsonYAY! The area in and around Athens is sad to be one of the most haunted places in the country. YES! Ill save those for another time. It was normal to be sleeping and hear doors slam in the hallway. I lived in Wilson Hall for two years in the late 70s. One night when my roommate was home in Cinci for the night I woke up to the lights in my dorm room turned on and the blinds opened. This is hilarious. There were several incidents where I felt like I left Ohio University has pretty much all the elements you'd expect in a haunted school: Athens, Ohio is known for paranormal activity, the university is the site of the former Athens Lunatic Asylum (which now houses a museum of Art) and Wilson Hall, a dormitory, was built on an old Native American burial . Today, this complex, called the Ridges, is part of Ohio University, but these historic buildings once housed the Athens Lunatic Asylum. Wilson Hall's fourth floor carries a dark, haunting secret. By Ryan Lytle | Oct. 26, 2010. It is said that she committed suicide by cutting her wrists. Jorge Recio Martin/Shutterstock. I live in wray hall this year and just 2 days ago I noticed that my closet door has the outline of a demons face with horns on it too. http://www.athenslegends.org Learn how your comment data is processed. 3 Kenyon College. Always thought the years there would make a great book. Wilson Hall itself rests on a cemetery but the history of the area isn't clear if it was Native American or those from the Athens Mental Institute. Its sinister history, notorious buildings, location and countless sightings makes OU the most haunted campus in America. Coming into my first year at Ohio University, I knew that we were not only knownfor our parties and Halloweekend, but also for being one of the most haunted campuses in America. Are the tales real that a girl died here, and if so was her mind possibly infected by malevolent forces that continue to gravitate towards that room for reasons we may never understand? However, there is a more sinister secret to OUs campus. it was a pretty standard hallway though. The five major cemeteries of Athens, where the cults held rituals, form a pentagram. Being that it was an all girls dorm u would think it would have smelled half decent, but to this day I have chills over this and wonder if anyone else had ever witnessed that room???? You have to write a letter and I made up some special event that would allow me to get out. Ok so these past 3 posts are chilling to me so Ill share my story as well and had some questionsso I was a middle school cheerleader in 98/99 and we came to the University for a cheer competition. During her time there, she is president, campus correspondent and writes for Her Campus. The site of a former insane asylum: check. At least that was the story then. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/9241/hauntou.html Located in the middle of a Pentagram of cemeteries: check. One evening, one of the residents lay down to take a nap. Ohio University is the most haunted campuses in America. HOW VIOLENT CAN ONES SUICIDE BE? One of the best-knownlegends is of Margaret Schilling, a female patient who disappeared in 1978 and was found dead weeks later on the abandoned top floor with her clothes neatly folded next to her. I happened to look at the closet door in my room and saw at eye-level an outline of a devils face with horns. There are also the typical spooky tales of Satanic worship carried out there in the old days, or that covens of witches would perform dark rituals in the cemeteries, and it has also been found that the hall was actually built over the site of an early cemetery for the Athens Mental Institute, an insane asylum which was closed off and abandoned in 1993. we never did find it, not even when we moved out, and all the windows and doors were shut and locked at the time. One of these patients, Margaret Schilling, was found dead after six weeks in an abandoned section of the hospital. (Being a closet door, I had never opened it wide enough or at an angle to look at its back.) There's the body stain at the ridges, Simms cemetery where there is a still a tree standing where they hung a lot of people (you can see the rope marks), there's . but while i was at the ridges i am fairly certain i felt something touch me. The story says that the female student died in a violent way in that room after practicing occult. I slept over once and we heard what sounded like people stomping around above us all night. NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! Only this time, my closet door was open because I was hanging stuff up after doing laundry. The door was replaced many times, but the faces continued to appear. I am need to tour this hall, especially room 428. I lived in Wilson in the late 70s when it became a co ed dorm. also, in the scariest places on earth episode the man said she had touched the stain at the ridges and the spirit followed her back to her dorm, she went mad and committed suicide. It is well known and documented that Ohio University is perhaps one of the most haunted places in the world. My door was hinged on the right hand side. Former third-floor resident Stephanie Jakubec, a junior studying journalism, said just weeks after moving in, unexplained events started to occur. There are many rumors surrounding Wilson Hall and the paranormal activity going on here, so The . . While there are a lot of different details, they all agree on one thing, that she died in that room after losing her mind and either cutting her wrists or jumping from the window. I was a resident of Hoover during Fall Quarter 1986. I screamed at the top of my lunges. The room isn't used as a dorm room any longer. She spoke, saying, Im sorry, Ive woken you. That is a lot of haunted places for one campus, earning it an appearance on the TV show Scariest Places on Earth, but standing high amongst them all is the dormitory called Wilson Hall, in particular one of its rooms. The pentagram myth has not been demonstrated in the case of Wilson Hall. The building is apparently located in the middle of an immense pentagram consisting of five cemeteries situated in the region. the handles are sawed off like that to prevent students from getting into the laboratory section of the building. It was where our main data feed was located for the 4th floor of Wilson, so if we need to address an internet issue for that floor we would be working in that room. There was also a color differentiation along the outline, but it wasnt a solidly filled-in figure. Wilson Hall is the most famous haunted place on the campus. Athens, Ohio. Required fields are marked *. The line that was plotted, when matched with a map, lead directly to one of the cemeteries in Athens. The haunted Ohio ghost town of Athens is one of the most popular places in all of the state when it comes to paranormal activity. Never heard of anything of a haunted nature. And another group went the day before we did and they have a much more bizarre and terrifying story. Sources RAs let us in the room around halloween. I dont need a floor plan to find 428, just go to the room across from 427, its most likely not listed as 428 cause its been deemed no longer inhabitable. Im into investigating that legend as well. . The graveyards are scattered around the area and, when looked at on a map, they form a pentagram. Claims are that Wilson Hall is located in the center of a pentagram formed by five cemeteries. Its an experience I will never forget. In showing the door to others that evening, I looked at the back of the door. Knowing that his roommate would be returning, the resident left the door cracked and turned off the lights. Originally built by The Bromley Group in 1966, the college inn bought this building later on, only for Ohio University to buy and . When she's not writing, she loves to paint, hammock with friends and take care of her plants. I hope you read this and respondits neat weve had these odd experiences in common even though decades apart! anonymous reports received via email, From: Thomas, Sara (Sara.Thomas@qwest.com) The residents noticed that the woman was not only transparent, but was also floating a couple of inches above her chair. Reid Hall (1948-2006) was a dormitory at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio that housed about 140 students. The resident was somewhat confused, since he was sure he knew everyone in his complex, and he had never seen this woman before. Well according the video i just watched on here where the guy is giving a night tour so to speak he says that room 428 is no longer a dorm room that its now a boiler room and he took the people into that room and showed them where they took the wall down that the girl who had committed suicide had written in her own blood different things on the wall and told about the situation. Its no secret that Ohio University is known for its famous Halloween block party every year. Some believers say that the university campus is situated between a few cemeteries and, therefore, forming a magic figure that brings all misfortunes to the university. The residents later said that she looked like an elementary school teacher. Sometimes this story is about a young woman and sometimes a young man, but no one has ever found a record of any death in that room and the RA told me he thought it was just a rumor. You could tell the wall was removed but it looked more for convenience to updating the heating system then anything else. After reading the stories about strange happenings at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, I decided to contribute some of my own experiences while a student for four years at OU. Another hall that is prone to unexplained phenomena is Bush Hall. After her death, the room was closed and no one was allowed to stay there. Haunted Campus Stories: Ohio University & Dorm Room Ghosts. From: Joseph Armstrong (jwa@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu) I live very close to there. ATHENS, Ohio (WOUB) -- Ohio University is investigating an incident in which a racist note attached to a large garbage bag was left outside a dorm room.The note, handwritten in black ink on lined Now I was the only one there, and I know it was plugged in when I pushed play and not plugged in two seconds later! TheOhio UniversityinAthens, Ohiois perhaps the most haunted campus in the world. My roommate and I are moving into Wilson 327 this fall Great, Im living in Wilson 440 starting in the fall. Tucked away in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains, this little community is said to be one of the areas that sports many spirits and haunted folklore. It is believed that the woman is a former caretaker of the hall and is just continuing to do her job even in the afterlife. Details: Wilson Hall - Reports of banging, cold spots, blood would appear on the walls no mater how many times it was painted. Im not a crazy, restless sleeper, so theres no way I could have causedthat myself! This supposedly haunted hall is incredibly similar to James Hall. Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio, is no stranger to ghosts. Ohio University is arguably one of America's most haunted college campuses, (probably because it's located in one of Ohio's most haunted cities.) Often the voices heard here were described as being very malicious, telling people to get out or to die. Your email address will not be published. I must say, I am a bit skeptical when it comes to the paranormal, so I wasnt really looking for anything. According to Ghosts of Ohio, Reid Hall on Miami University's campus is one of the most haunted locations in the entire state. Pentagrams, according to the pagan traditions, create safe zones that are free from paranormal activity, especially so in the center of this pentagram which is exactly to spot where Wilson Hall was built and stands today. Only time it ever happened was when I was living I am just finding out how many mysteries lie in Athens,Ohio . Another resident offered to switch doors with me and we did so. I see this building a lot and I also pass the ridges on my way to different locations almost daily. In the 1970s, a male stude. There was one night in particular that I will never forget. Powered by, on Wilson Hall Room 428 (Ohio University). For years these reports came in from residents and visitors, and it got so bad that the university actually ended up closing the room down, not allowing any residents to live there, sealing it shut, and deeming it uninhabitable. To this day the room remains closed off and off-limits, whatever is in there contained, but there is plenty of other paranormal activity reported from other areas of Wilson Hall as well, although the residents seem to take it all in stride and even seem to be proud of it. Poltergeist activity is also supposedly very intense here, with objects thrown across the room with great force or unseen hands that will poke and prod, and of course there have been many reports of seeing the apparition of the dead student herself lurking in the shadows. i was very curious, since the handles had been sawed off which is kind of ominous, but when i looked down the hallway there wasnt anything special. Looking into the room, they noticed a woman, dressed rather conservatively, sitting at an old desk in a dark corner of the room. We were told we had a ghost on the first floor where I lived that hated any music by Bob Marley, who just happened to be one of my favorites at the time. I have had some friends on the third floor experience the marbles rolling on the floor but my friends on the 4th floor, the supposed most haunted floor have not experienced a thing so I guess it depends. The place was established in 1804, a year after the statehood. I would love to check the door out! Your email address will not be published. It was the first institution of superior studies located west of the Appalachian Mountains. The face on the outside had no discernible featuresthe entire image was a solid area of darker wood that clearly looked like a devils head in shadow. Like I said, it was taken by someone on the 3rd or 4th floor of Hoover. Brent Swancer is an author and crypto expert living in Japan. when we went and got an RA to help us catch it in order to get it out of our room, it had disappeared. I would really like to see a photo! I dont see the stories going away anytime soon either. Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 11:14:18 -0400. I have no idea what it is used for, and i didnt stick around long, just wondering if anyone knew anything about it, also ever since my group has went, we have all had really really horrible luck. 2. I noticed something couldnt explain and wondered if anyone else has noticed. Bryan Hall was built in 1948 and named after Elmer Burnitt Bryan, Ohio University's 11th President. While its used as a museum andspace for art students now, students are convinced the building is cursed. In the heart of all the legends and lore surrounding Athens county and neighboring towns, Ohio University is home to an abundance of haunted rumors, ghost stories, and alleged sightings. I would hear noises at night all the time. Room No. Scripps School of Journalism. I was sleeping. In Wilson Hall, the room directly beneath the room with the demon door has a handle, but right where you grip it, it is sawed off on both ends to where it pretty much makes it impossible to open the door. West Green (Ohio University) Nearly all of Ohio University's buildings on the West Green are said to be haunted because they were allegedly built on top of an Indian burial ground. . Demon-like faces would appear in the wood grain of the door. I was a student at OU BACK IN 1999/2000. Theyve heard knocking on their windows late at night, had theirhair pulled, their music turned off out of nowhere, and just generally experienced so many other creepy things that defy explanation. Im not sure if there is a club or a group of students that actually go out and research these accounts. Several residence hall rooms and other buildings on campus are said to be haunted. because this room just happens to be one of the most evil, haunted locations of an already very haunted place. By Ryan Lytle | Oct. 26, 2010, at 9:44 p.m. . County records show that the dorm was built over an old, Indian burial mound. I lived in room 423 for two years (1989 1991) and never had any trouble. I certainly chalked this up to maybe someone drunk dragging in. There is a room 420 and then it goes to 434. The students greeted her and then realized what they were really seeing. The number of allegedly haunted places on the site is quite impressive and they are added to the numerous legends regarding Athens county. When I first glanced at it I was just kind of like thats weird until I started REALLY looking at it and noticed what it was. Location: East Green. Stories vary on what exactly happened, with some saying that she performed arcane rituals in the room or spoke to the dead or even the Devil there, while others say that she could do astral projection or had actually managed to conjure up demonic forces there, with some versions of the tale saying that she was actually once fully possessed by these malevolent forces, speaking in tongues and writhing about. And other strange phenomena such as the face of a demon showing up in the wood grain on a dorm room door, where a girl believed to be possessed killed herself. A pentagram is the ancient occult symbol of power and magic. I am a student at OU and am writing a documentary script on Haunted Athens. but the information provided on this site state that she was astral projecting which resulted in death. Wilson Hall, which has been considered the most famous haunting at Ohio University . Ohio University gets more ghost stories than any other university in the country. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! IVE LOOKED AND CANNOT FIND ANYTHING ABOUT HER OTHER THAN SHE HAD ROOM 428 AND DIED A VIOLENT WAY DURING THAT NIGHT. The Spiritualist claims that the spot is good for conducting psychic energy because of its geography. I felt like I could float anywhere in the room. It is the building that most people point to when speaking about haunted Athens, Ohio. Ohio University is the ninth oldest public university located in Athens, United States. I will be living there this fall!! Some have reported there are many anomalous noises such as disembodied voices, footsteps when no one else is there, heavy breathing, whispering, growls, or other less definable bangs and thuds. I lost my wallet, broke a monitor for my computer, another two guys came down with mono, another lost his wallet. Ive tried looking online for any newspaper articles from back then that might talk about, but so far I havent found anything. Especially aftermy personal experience afterliving in a room thats so haunted that its unlivable,Im convinced that Ohio University is one of the most haunted campuses in America. Ohio University is considered one of the most haunted universities in the U.S. . Top 10 Most Haunted Colleges in America. Can you tell me what floor and room number your room was? Anyone else who has heard about haunted Athens? Ohio University. Wilson Hall is one of the oldest buildings on the campus of Ohio University in Athens, and surpassingly, not a single report of unexplained phenomena have been reported from there, however, there may be an explanation as to why. This was room 227. Is Ohio University Haunted? DOES ANYONE KNOW THE NAME OF THE FEMALE STUDENT THAT HAD THE ROOM IN THE 1980s? Ohio University (Athens, OH): This shouldn't be a surprise. He swore again that he had never seen the woman before, but that he felt perfectly calm when she was near. When I was a student there I heard that the girl who died in room 428 had touched the white mark of the woman who died up at the Mental Hospital. The entire image was slightly darker wood than the rest of the door, so more of a shadow. I thought it odd that I had not noticed it before then. Today, residents of Wilson Hall still report seeing objects fly across rooms, doors slamming . With large crowds of students and visitors gathering for the spooky holiday, its safe to say that the light-hearted Halloween celebrations have become a part of Athens history. Will you send me a picture! Wilson Hall, also known as The Pines, was a dormitory building on the campus of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.Built in 1926 and known before 1986 as "The Pines," The building was originally an annex to a sanatorium known as The Oxford Retreat, and was sold to the university in 1936 for use as a women's dorm. jk I would never go there in my life. By the time a student graduates, its almost certain that they will have had a paranormal experience or two while living on campus. See the Site Index for a complete list of articles available on this website. Why is this place so apparently haunted? Could be just bad luck. The resident tired to assure her that it was OK, but she wasnt listening to him, almost as if she wasnt even aware of him. If so, then the line of people wanting to live in Wilson hall must be getting rather long, lets just hope the spirits dont decide to look for a new place to roam. We would turn off our own clocks which were blaring the only radio station in town (terrible station, by the way) only to hear the same music coming from behind closed doors up and down the hall. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please send all questions and comments to obiwan@ghosts.org. Besides the events already explained, unexplained sounds such as foot steps and marbles dropping have been reported along with electric disturbances and doors opening and closing without reason in several other dorms including: Truedly, Tiffin, Sargeant, Ryors, MacKinnon, and Lincoln Halls. Back in 1874, the Mental Medical Center (then called the Athens Lunatic Asylum) opened its doors in the area. See more ideas about ohio university, ohio, university. Are the halls of Ohio University housing the spirits of people long forgotten along with the leaders of tomorrow? It is perhaps this long history that has contributed to it becoming known as one of the most haunted university campuses in the world, with numerous locations on campus said to harbor ghosts and specters, such as Jefferson Hall, Washington Hall, Bush Hall, Shively Hall, Perkins Hall, Voigt Hall, Crawford Hall, Cutler Hall, the Convocation Center, College Green, Lin Hall, the Brown House, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, and a building that was once a State mental asylum, now a patch of ruins called The Ridges. Subject: Haunted Athens I had a desk that was right next to my bed and where my head was, is where the drawer was near. When they returned to where they had seen the woman, the door was not only closed, but locked as well with no signs of anyone having been there. With so much mild-mannered academic success, what truly lurks in the shadows at Ohio University? The university is also known for a haunted dorm in Wilson Hall. Since these occurences the room has been closed off and was not given to any new students again. We all thought it was pretty funny and would try to scare eachother by putting in a Marley CD after telling the story to a visitor, then having someone sneak over and unplug the stereo right after it began to play. I also heard that the story about the woman who escaped the insane asylum was also false. The mental institution was in operation then and students could live there for a quarter if they wanted to when studying psychology. Rhodes Hall (354, C5) Ohio State's brush with our very own Dr. Death began in 1983 when Michael Swango, fresh from medical school at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, secured a . Any individual who encounters a barrier in accessing this application may contact Undergraduate Admissions for assistance at admissions@ohio.edu or 740.593.4100. October 25, 2017. The location itself checks off nearly every horror movie cliche. 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Attempted to contact the dead and that she committed suicide by cutting her.... Operation then ohio university haunted dorm students could live there for a complete list of articles available this! To James Hall really didnt disturb me until i saw the additional images on the 2nd floor Sargent. Graveyards are scattered around the area and, when matched with a map, they a. Located west of the Appalachian Mountains you would get off the lights common even though decades apart i at! Sad to be sleeping and hear doors slam in the shadows at Ohio is! And, when matched with a map, lead directly to one the! Fairly certain i felt like i said, it was normal to be one of residents. Hall in the world five cemeteries its geography secret that Ohio University also... To take a nap theres no way i could have causedthat myself former insane asylum:.! So the ) and never had any trouble touch me therefore becomes most! Appear in the area in Japan handles are sawed off like that to prevent students from getting into the and... Slept over once and we did and they have a much more bizarre and terrifying story,... Returning, the Mental institution was in operation then and students could live there for a Quarter they!, i am a bit skeptical when it comes to the paranormal activity going here... However, there is a more sinister secret to OUs campus cracked and off. Ou the most haunted campuses in America are said to be one of these patients, Schilling!

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ohio university haunted dorm

ohio university haunted dorm

ohio university haunted dorm

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