nickel allergy vaping

I was vaping happily before with no problems and then wham, itching all over and its getting worse. I'm gunna give a build a go though. Oh, yes, and now I have rosacea and permanently red eyes. Anyone else with Sam complaints? Never looking back.These bad side effects need to be talked about not in denial. Thx to all, Very happy to have found this forum. Was thinking about how bad it is to have the cell phone to my ear, so I wear earphones with a mic to chat because of the battery. so I am smoking a few cigs now and am terribly afraid to vape I AM SO MAD like I said the vape juice was from many place though most was a a cytrus flavor maybe I am just hoping it could be the flavor since I was just vaping on the one lately . Its not easy stopping, and guess what? I have tested this!!! In my case, I had some itch spots on my forearms, but they vanished quickly after I stopped vaping. For those that its mostly an external skin issue and/or throat issue, try washing and rinsing as often as possible and see if that helps. Spent 4 months now with same pain in chest non stop feeling of anxiety through the worry, had numerous other tests done at docs blood samples everything nothing showing up. Tobacco nic goes way up and drops off, e-cig nic stays at a more steady and higher level than tobacco after the drop off. I recommend you try a VG based juice, but ONLY after youve confirmed PG is the culprit, and for that you need to stop vaping, at least for a couple of days. Nickel allergy signs and symptoms include: If you have a skin rash and don't know how you got it, talk to your doctor. nothing from the Doctor seems to work, Be sure that your earring backings also are made of hypoallergenic materials. I am hopeful the itchy spots will disappear. I was thinking of changing my mattress too! No blood test problems and they checked for EVERYTHING. Ive experienced shortness of breathe many times I get kankor sores once a week glad to know Im not the only one with problems I think this will help me quit smoking for good. Chest pain, headache, rapid hate, Monica Angel says. Pressing on it hurts. So its day 6 and rashes / tingling / itching have gone. The rates have more than doubled in the past two years. But they made me seriously depressed. Hi just want to add my situation. I got dry skin with red bumbs a couple a months ago but it stopped. THANK YOU TO THOSE FEW THAT TOOK THE TIME TO INCLUDE THE SPECIFICS. I have tried just about every type of vape liquid but nothing changed. And believe me I didnt want to quit vaping but I had no choice. I believe these do cause that. its got so bad I had to visit the GP who has told me to stop it straight away, and given me antibiotics? Last cig April 6. Did you try turning your device all the way down? Wish you all luck in your search for relief. As far as throat and mouth irritation, i only experience those symptoms when i use an atomizer for 2 long. You may crave cigarettes, feel irritable and hungry, cough often, get headaches, or have difficulty concentrating. Thank you for your posts!! If it does, you should investigate what kind of e-liquid youve been using and try to identify the problem, but if it doesnt, its safe to assume the problems are linked to tobacco cessation. I too had sores on the sides of my tongue and hives in my upper body. Soo know I Quit vapping the Symtom slowly gone and i feeling better. American Academy of Dermatology. Thing is I see moderate smokers pick up 6mg liquid and tote on it almost consistently for hours. For several consecutive nights I only got very little sleep. Give up the e-cigs and find out. There is a reason it caps at 600 farenheit. P.g is very bad for sensitive people. My current concerns: My goodness, I had an allergic reactions to penicillin once, did I stop getting antibiotics when bacteria was running riot in my body? I have had an allergic reaction before to meds that put me on my butt for 3 months so very leary when I get hives for any reason. No such side effects besides living a cleaner healthier life. Its in a lot of stuff! My co-worker vapes at his desk and our area doesnt have good ventilation. That mighmight just be from quitting smoking. Crail, I suspected it was the e-liquid so I looked on google and after reading this article Im now sure. My eyes are hurting/itching and really really dry. Unlike immediate hypersensitivities (such as pollen, insect venom and most food allergies), the reaction in delayed type hypersensitivity occurs some time after exposure. But now Im freaking out because I have nothing! Good luck to everyone, I really wish you all well and hope you find the will power. Its not something new to any of us. I do like that it only took two days of using the eCig to quit smoking. I stopped smoking completely 3 weeks ago, and started vaping. Detailed Description: Nickel (Ni) is a nutritionally essential metal widely distributed in the environment, and it has been reported to be one of the most common causes of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), affecting nearly 15-20% of the general population. Afterall, these things are made in China. I have been vaping for 2 years now after rolling my own cigs for 30 odd years with Nautilus tank and ola hero mod box, 6 mg nic juice, Alabama strawberry flavour at 70 vg 30 pg. I have no reaction on my mouth, throut, or face like others and posted most. I have been so pro ecig for the past few years but now that I have had these symptoms and even though I have stopped VAPING for 3 days now, the symptoms are still there. I didnt realise it could ve the PG in the fluid. We will see what happens. The itching!!!! What was your wattage? for months I thought they were brilliant and I would recommend them to anyone, but after maybe 6 months of smoking the ones that look like cigs, in the orange pkt from most major retailers, I started getting itchy lumps under my skin. I read through a lot of comments here. Make sure you get your vapor from a state that has regulations. Phone: 1-800-CDC-INFO 888-232-6348 (TTY) Email: Contact CDC-INFO. People must now be 21 to buy any tobacco product, including vaping products. Green beans are one of the many foods higher in nickel. Itchy rash could be contact dermatitis. The person then inhales the resulting aerosol or vapor (called vaping . This needs to get publicised big time. If you think the area may have become infected, see your doctor right away. The doctor gave me a cream which didnt help. I see others have had these exact symptoms. I guess if trying to beat cancer from smoking is a better option for you goodluck. Sub-ohm Vaping. Let the medicine do its thing. looking around the forum a post from Andy jumped out, he had been vaping for 4 years then started to feel unwell, There is defiantly a connection between liquid Nic, PG / VG and other additives in vaping as there are loads of other forums where people are becoming unwell / sick when vaping, and only start to improve in health when they cut right down or stop altogether. But the more I scratched them, the more really painful they became. I thought I was doing a great thing but I have been tired, really tired especially in the mornings, I dont sleep well (I vap while watching tv at night! I actually do feel stupid. I know this due to having xrays yrly for lung cancer. I through out the e cigs last night. GOOD LUCk!!!!!!! Antihistamines couldnt control it. I do find that I am very itchy all over when I am smoking them. Nickel allergy commonly develops following ear piercing and the use of metal jewellery. No amount of topical creams or cortisone will calm it or make it go away. Way less withdrawl. Is that what is making people itch? Dont chain vape, put it down like you would a normal cigarette. Went to hospital, had exras done and the doc said I had no sign of emphasima or copd. Im wondering if they are being caused by the liquid. Im literally a blizzard of dead skin. Youre lying. Antihistamines just mask it a bit enough for more denial about vaping bad effects. One Google search vaping + mosquito bites and Voila! Last two weeks my face is full of pimples sore mouth and general terrible skin! I kinda also wasted about 3 years vaping and among headaches and muscle pain had pretty much no motivation to do anything during that time. Anyone experience this? September 2013 the then girlfriend had an ecig, I kept having the odd cheeky drag, the coughing came back within days. But I was almost certain that my condition had to do with vaping because I did not have any of the above symptoms before using the e-cig. My allergy started with mosquito like bites all over my arm which a dermatologist treated for Ned bugs or bites. Interestingly, both traditional and e-cigarette consumption by non-smokers was found to provoke short-term effects on platelet function, increasing platelet activation (levels of soluble CD40 ligand and the adhesion molecule P-selectin) and platelet aggregation, although to a lesser extent with e-cigarettes []. I looked all over the Internet and found only the opposite explanations. What most vapers dont know is that the wide majority of flavorscome in a base of propylene glycol, so even though its advertised as 100% vegetable glycerin, it can still contain various amounts of PG and cause allergic reactions. The bites appeared in clusters, which is a very big sign of bedbugs, and the burning itchy sensation was also very similar. I just have to cut back my vaping and eventually, all nicotine. Sore joints, Nausea, burning eyes. One day I got some innevape Heisenberg with 18 mg of nic and mixed half vg with it well wrong anwser back to the ER Im starting to think that smoking the real thing might be better then e cigs at least I dont have reaction that I think Im dieing not worth me trying to figure it out Im done with e cigs. I also tried various e-liquid with different flavor, PG/VG mixing and I am now on 100% VG with organic flavor from High Desert Vapes. I suspected an allergy but got a physical just to be sure and allergy is it. Interesting reading all the comments. I think you should thin pure VG with water or alcohol so it doesnt clog your e-cig. I returned to the Dr. and I am having a cat scan on my nasal passages Monday and I have to see a ENT next week. Then smoked a few months till trying the ecigs. If it stops these God damn ulcers tho its my only option. Although nichrome should be avoided if you have a nickel allergy and to an extent stainless steel vape wires, for flavour alone lots of vapers believe these two types offer the best flavour for vaping. Glad I found this board as I always intuitively knew the ecigs were taking me down a dark, sick Road but didnt want to admit it. Highly sensitive skin to anything and everything. Thanks for reading, Larry. Small amounts of these metals can be aerosolized and inhaled. Nickel allergy is a contact allergy (also referred to as type IV or delayed type hypersensitivity). Because its unregulated, these bargain basement mixologists can put whatever they want in our liquids, including liquid heroin, for all we know. He gave me amoxicilin, seroids etc for all my complaints. And its all the sudden. Same time frame. I hope I can just quit and be ok, but Im really nervous. Its a real problemive lost my vigour and all I can do is vape and play vids. Would love to hear from anyone thats dealing with this debilitating sh*t. SRose, Dont trust that the manufacturers of the e-cigs you get, the ones from petrol stations or supermarkets wont change their product design or ingredients. I stopped vaping three days ago and my throat has gotten much better. I too was checking my bed for bugs thiinking i must have scabies or bedbugs because of intense skin itching all over. Depression, diarrhea, dizziness etc. My wife said I was making my scalp bleed! If you want to tell yourself were ALL liars so YOU can feel safer you will.I believe we have all posted our stories trying to get at the truth since theres been very little research on the safety on this product. I went to see my doctors and both my general physician and ENT doctor had little knowledge about e-cig and the allergies it may cause. Unless I have bedbugs inside my skin jeez I think just triggered one of my phobias! Further information can be obtained by contacting the ATSDR Information Center at: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. I bought a Blu pod system recently and have been using that to curb my nic cravings by taking a few puffs when i feel the urge. I may try 100% vg if I can find it. After reading this though it sounds more like its just the vaping that causes it. Definately a poisen for me. However, I have an itchy red rash all over my body, mainly on legs and arms. In total I smoked e-cigs for a year, and It has taken me 2 years to clear my mind and my skin. I think most people are vaping much more than they realize. Either that or the same person is typing over half of these entries. If cleaning the vapor away regularly doesnt work, Ill switch to OliverTwist tobacco (little tobacco chews). It is easier to quit vaping than smoking, less withdrawal symptoms. On average 12% to 15% of women and 1% to 2% of men are allergic to nickel. I now aim to refrain totally from electronic cigarettes. No more health problems- allergies, systemic fungal skin infection. The nickel content is usually between 10-14%, which is not that high, but people with . It doesnt get rid of it, but it helps. PG VG its all shit to me. I have been vamping for about 9 months and have enjoyed not smoking cigarettes. Then it progressed to my head pulling completely 90 degree. I didnt break out at all but it has been a week off it and slowly the hives r coming back, itching mostly at night. I really hope its not the ecig or the medicine , as I use and need both. December 2013 I kept pinching a few drags from the then girlfriend and my lips swelled up x 5, to the point of not being able to talk. (I went back to tobacco, because of unrelated stress.). I HAVE READ EVERY SINGLE COMMENT ON THIS THREAD SO FAR. Surely someone has done a study already? By the way, which department in Marlboro do you work for? Bad taste and foul breath have returned and I sometimes cough up mucus and stuff that looks like tonsil stones. The top photo shows a positive patch test (on the left), after a patch containing nickel was left on the skin for 48 hours. Due to nobody being sure on here, I will quit vaping all together and see if it helps. I think I am now addicted to this ecig Guess I will try the patch. Forgot to mention in my post, that it is now two weeks since I cut back on my vaping and I am just beginning to feel a bit like my old self again, but it is really tuff going though, I often wonder how some people can quite smoking with ease, wile others like my self struggle like hell with it, I am going to try my very best to become totally smoke free. No skin rash and a small amount of itching. Although higher percentages of PG are often reported to have a more drying effect on the mouth, it's not uncommon for 100% VG vapers to still experience it. I quit the patch and the gum and tried flavored (raspberry) e cig. Doctor says removing tonsils might help, but with my age its not recommended (60). The more I scratch it the more it spreads. Also the longer it goes untreated the more painful it becomes!! Is not worth it. Taken me 6 months to work out what was wrong with me after lots of hospital visits. I was diagnosed with hives by a dermatologist. The varieties we use are all 8-12% nickel, it's one of the better corrosion resistors to add to the alloy. Some foods that contain high amounts of nickel include soy products, peas, canned foods, cocoa powder, clams and cashews. please share how long it took for your symptoms to subside! This is a little shocking. Very cramplike headache behind the ears, together with earaches and musclepain in neck and shoulders. Vape On!!!! Wait a minute, today I vaped! I hope others here can find the will power to stop as this is not worth it. We all appear to be experiencing something negative. Now reading this I am convinced it is the e-cig. (pretty sure thats the reason-not dehydrated, anxious, or OD on nicotine as didnt have that much) so now im trying VG clearo type but am getting the swollen tongue and dryness, even tried unflavoured (100% VG) but thats WORSE for it. Problems- allergies, systemic fungal skin infection longer it goes untreated the more I scratch it the I. Me after lots of hospital visits the ATSDR information Center at: for... My vigour and all I can just quit and be ok, but with my age its the. For a year, and given me antibiotics hypoallergenic materials stop as this not... Couple a months ago but it helps and hives in my case, I kept having the odd drag... Over my arm which a dermatologist treated for Ned bugs or bites,! Be 21 to buy any tobacco product, including vaping products 2013 the then had! After lots of hospital visits back.These bad side effects need to be talked about not in denial do you for... 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nickel allergy vaping

nickel allergy vaping

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