delphi murders professor

Only his hands, particularly focused on his bloody, sausage-like knuckles, could be seen with a caption that read after the brawl.. How do you join and can you join as a European? What is this guy, another Zodiac? What that has to do with anything is not known. Im confused. It is interesting that Mr. X appears to have stayed with his truck from 6:30 PM to on Monday, February 13, to 12:30 PM Tuesday, February 14 when the girls were found. I am running into one issue with Mr. X. I was wondering if there might be a different thought on this. Why would we do that? Busy location with a diner nearby. I have one more message for you. IUPUI forensic science professor provides context on Delphi murders investigation, Cardinal Robert McElroy to speak at Notre Dame Forum event on war, peace, Reward offered after bald eagle killed in southern Indiana, 20-year-old man shot after allegedly striking 18-year-old woman with car in Elkhart, Eli Lilly to cap out-of-pocket cost of insulin at $35 a month, Sectional boys basketball highlights 2/28. He was 18 in 1984, so we figured he graduated that year, but maybe he graduated in 1986 when he was 20. Not important? No, the other girl was also having sex with males and she also had a boyfriend. If the DA does not think he has enough evidence in a homicide case to win in court, they wont take it to trial. So Mr. X was more traumatized by this crime than anyone else, including the victims grandmother who was hurt more than anyone. No one knows if he did this crime or not. If so, why? No one else has come close to uncovering the amount and quality of information we have. Thats good enough for us to be probative. This is getting ridiculous. Train tracks and you guessed it, more fields, parallel to the gas station. Im sure that was a LOL feeling for him. The main suspect according to police is a man whose name rhymes with Fat Clown. Oh, one more thing. And two girls were abducted there also. 43 seconds of audio. I cant see where this is! DAs require a very high standard of evidence to bring a homicide charge against someone. We doubt if she did contact his wife. This is part of what they thought was being said, yes. This claims are quite dubious and we dont suggest anyone put any weight into them. Sure hes a greedy businessman, but I doubt if hes that greedy. Of course Ron Logan didnt do it. LE themselves have admitted that they have one smudged fingerprint. He had his keys with him, so why didnt he move his truck when they asked him to instead of lying and saying he couldnt because he had lost his keys? How bout taking it to heed, everyone? Thanks for all the info much appreciated. We may or may not have from 1-8 more official case documents from this case. I dont know if the bridge was within eyeshot of the spot where the girls were found. However, smudged prints are of very dubious value. Theres no evidence that either man has been to the bridge even one time! I cant demand that my friends give me money! We openly admit that much of what we are saying about this crime are unverified rumors. The rumor is that his alibi is a Delphi police officer, Nate Allen, who committed suicide in December. Also theres only one way for LE to know that BG filmed his crime if the rumors about sending video of the crime to the girls phones afterwards is true. I sorta did wonder where he was from 12 to 430ish. If this roommate is correct, it looks like Mr. X worked in 2011-2012 at as packing plant in the Delphi area, and he was moved to near Evansdale, Iowa for a period during these two years to work on a sister plant near Evansdale. Ron Logan: Enough already. I appreciate your style about not being afraid to put out things others wouldnt dare & or might even get accosted over doing soThose idiots are WEAK& most of them are hypocritesSome of the new YouTubers even, they first bitch about the same thing, then they start a channel, and the next thing you know, their moderators are hacking/choking& putting that ass in the corner for hours before allowing u to crawl back in, all bruised, & compliantNot for me. He took a piece of jewelry from Libby as a trophy thats also buried. It turns out that BGs shoes are dead perfect matches for Indiana Packers workboots. Much more on that below. So it looks like Mr. X is using to cutting up dead and possibly living animals with large knives. Im not sure if its better that way or not. R/DelphiMurders is completely useless due to their no rumors or speculation rules, which means that you can only discuss what is proven about the case, which after four years, is just about nothing. Yes, they would be looking for it, because if you know computers etc. He was very fearful and it really hit him hard how he got treated on that Reddit sub. He saved society a lot of money by eating a bullet, freeing up some fresh air and making the world the tiniest bit of a better place. It was all over by 3:30 sure takes a lot of the heat off of LE for calling off that search, amirite? Dad is BG and KAK is waiting under the bridge. I will say that Libbys birth mother has also dealt with her loss by turning rageful. Is that also speculation? You write an article saying some guys not involved, and you get swamped with threats to track and hunt you down? See video. Its an understandable reaction, but theyre not pleasant to be around. Could be something more nefarious. BG was dressed in clothes similar to what Ron wore, and he took the girls to Rons land and killed them there. There is a suspected child killer in the Bay Area who is responsible for 5-10 child murders. FSG is at the trails every day. We believe that those reactions were overblown. Now he says he never saw BG at all. I have not been able to determine that from all of these postings. We dont know about you all, but when we go visit our friends, we generally dont park a quarter mile away and hike in. Did he eat? But the scanner doesnt say she came to bring the keys. Get real. Kegan Kline cannot be involved either. and our Robert Lindsay isnt just one guy. Anyway, even if there was PIV sex, the victim would have died soon after the sex and the tiniest speck of a fetus, the size of a pencil dot on a sheet of paper, along with it. They also think you get that way from your upbringing, especially with your father. A girls hand wrapped around a knife which was plunged into a log that she was resting her head on. Of course she did. Its $20. Apparently. For instance, if LE have a suspect, and they have a partial present in 10% of the population, this is one more bit of evidence that might point towards them having the right guy. Theres no woman among them. Im so sorry. By the way, whats a legitimate journalist? Whats a illegitimate journalist? Theres no such thing as either. Its more secure. Delphi Murders Update April 13, 2021: Stunning Rumors about the Murders and Related Matters Now Officially Proven! Unverified. Homeless for a period in the 2000s, where he resided at a homeless shelter. They say they want to preserve the integrity of the investigation. Theyre swarming all over this crime scene, and the killer is standing right here under their noses in the midst of the chaos for hours, and these coptards cant figure this out. We think he likes to fool and troll LE. To be fair, two other men were also searching Rons land that night and they didnt find anything either, so it looks like those girls were pretty hard to miss. I want to be respectful to someone who is innocent until proven guilty also. One of them was Paul Etter. They dont risk their careers to talk to bloggers. Its a farce! LE actually believes BG was 49-50 years old when he committed the crime. PERU, Ind. You will see below where we regard certain things as Proven. According to News Nation, The Murder Sheet podcast obtained transcripts of an interview between a possible suspect, Kegan Kline, and Indiana investigators. Highly functioning drunk; its the only way he can appear normal. It doesnt seem reasonable to stay out there all that time for no good reason. Shameful. Anyway, LE believes that Bridge Guy is Mr. X. Theyre not looking at anyone else. So I would definitely hang the jury and let Mr. X walk, and in all probability, BG would be free to walk the streets again. Both investigators were women. No, he didnt kill his own granddaughter. Furthermore, almost nothing of consequence is being said, and it reminds you of a night with your friends drinking, and no one says one thing of importance for hours. I think he may have had over 1,000 photos/videos on his drives or possibly more. Known facts about the personal life of the main suspect, Mr. X.: Residence history: Unknown for first 18 years, possibly Illinois. However, shouldnt that same exact principle/logic apply to Mr. X? At the very least he could have made misleading statements. the healing energy of your hands pdf; Wait so the part about him recording the crime is some search warrant given to someone where the cops wanted to check media files? He may well have had a deer blind on the Mears property. However, it is still not clear that Mr. X did this on his own or if someone helped him. Paul Etter: A 55 year old local man of many interests. One thing I always have to remind myself of is that LE is allowed to lie to the public. Dime a dozen. Do you know why FSG was there at the trails; how long hed been there; how he got there; if he drove, what sort of car he drove and where he parked it. Makes no sense at all. We dont know why he asked permission to search Ron Logans land at 6:30 PM, but this is also a huge red flag because he asked to search the land a full half hour before the fire department had even announced the formation of a search team. I guess I also wonder how everyone put such and effort to look only a few hours after being missing. Would be interesting to know if Garett Kirts was on Ron Logans property that day. I tend to think its a doll. I dont know if he actually used the binoculars to spot them. Garrett Kirts: Local man, all around run of the mill bad person. The police chief says he is 99% sure that the main suspect, who is named, committed the crimes. Instead they were penetrated with inanimate objects, which, last time I checked, do not cause pregnancy. 2/13, 2:13, 2-13. The judge would say you dont even have enough evidence against this man to take this case to court and throw it out of court. Professor at a local university, known for the Geocaching Theory. Thanks, Mike! This girl was refusing to get an abortion that he wanted her to get. But alas, he raped one lass too many, and the law closed in on him holed up in his home, which now resembled Dodge City. I realize unsolved would be a magnet for that but wow. Its burgundy. He could have called his wife, who was friends with Becky Patty, and the wife could have told him about the girls going missing. To do this, he uses the knives the deer kit that BG has around his waist. An amateurs look into what profiling techniques could tell us about the murderer of Abigail Williams and Liberty German.Not looking to monetise this dreadful. Court documents released by a true-crime podcast shed more light on the investigation of the unsolved 2017 murders to two teen girls in Delphi, Indiana. Literally anyone can be a journalist. But we have said many of the same things, which may be confirmation of my visions in a way. Is he into numerology? It was dark. He did commit the crime because the younger sketch is just BG in catfish form, his other younger personality that he used to snare victims. But we are not naming person. Yes, that is what I referred to; i.e. Im a real nice guy, I treat my commenters well, and Im basically this mild-mannered, unassuming, intellectual, professor type. Link to cold case Linda Weldy, A thread has already been posted about Police Scanners. But my opinion isnt worth anything. Ive used that a thousand times, especially when there are two or more suspects in adjacent interrogation rooms. Its not clear how? Delphi residents and those closely following the case were stunned when, on April 22, 2019, the Indiana State Police announced the case was moving in a "new direction." Law enforcement released a very brief video clip of the main suspect walking along the bridge, and a revamped version of the audio clip released in 2017 that said, "Guys . We do indeed have documents from the case. Of course, we empathize with their losses, but sympathy wears thin when someone is screaming in your face. Im also sure that its used as a tactic to convince the public that they were completely justified in making whatever decisions they felt required justification. Maybe he did, maybe he didnt. We believe that this happened in the first place because a photo exists of a truck being towed from the CPS building around February 14. Residence at time of crime: Delphi, Indiana since 1984. So, yes, although the Evansdale girls were mere skeletons when found, LE believes they were posed. They have thought they had the right guy several times in the Zodiac case, but all of the suspects fell through. Cops have told us more than they told any of those guardians. Isnt that logical. I thought there was more to this blog. Carter added the probable cause affidavit. Are you serious? LE blew off their concerns and called off the search, citing safety concerns for the searchers but seemingly had little of the same concerns for the missing teens who could have been severely hurt and unable to help themselves, just waiting for someone in LE to find them that night. Items known to be carried or worn by BG at the time of crime: Loaded handgun in right jacket pocket, type unknown, possibly a rare .40mm collectors item. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. BG is a 50 year old man. At 8:20 PM, the police scanner said that A., Mr. Xs wife, was coming to bring Mr. X a spare set of keys. Also we dont know what they interrogated Ron about either. He killed a woman. I am going to bet dollars to donuts there will be a person arrested February 13th, 2022. Leave this poor man alone, for Gods sake. Actually, Jack, the families do not know at all. I ask this because another theory says they could have gone up the creek to a barn and then they should have dry clothes. There are many cases of homicides or attempted homicides in the same category. I 100% agree about Mr X, and I recently seen a pic of his stepson which I think looks similar to the YBG sketch. If he had those objects found at the crime scene in his truck, he could have easily carried them down to the crime scene and used them to stage it with the objects. So who is Mr. X? I also believe 1) that all of the dolls found there were not put there after the crime but that this was an area that the perpetrator visited often to perform some kind of sadistic acts using the dolls, 2) that he was at that site when he perhaps saw and/or used binoculars to spot the girls on the bridge, 3)went to the bridge and then took the girls to his sadistic-acts place to perform those acts on live persons. Point is that he may have never had ceased offending. The scope of this investigation in terms of who the police think did it and how it unfolded has been dramatically narrowed. So Id just as soon stop looking at him as a suspect. Hmm . If anyone else is involved they know who it is. You want me to put it up? I cant tell you how many searches I participated in when I was in uniform for kids this age. Also there are rumors that the girl left a note explain her pregnancy in a tree in her backyard. What are they doing to move this forward? Most of the rest are not bad people, but they are showboats, loudmouths, and boasters with egos the size of small planets. Im sure his wife Mrs. X knows or suspects what he has done but she wont roll overKeep up the great work and hopefully they get this SOB! They all go off and do their own work. Is there a place on your site where you can pay/register? There may never be an arrest in this case. Do you think an LE source might be talking to one of them or perhaps someone who knows one of them? He has not been charged in the Delphi case. I hope he doesnt read here but I knew a Facebook group mod who was in contact with him and she felt he was either gay, an effeminate man, or a Beta, as she put it. This what first aroused LE suspicions of Mr. X. Is there any way on Earth that BG could look like the young man in that sketch or even an 18-40 year old? Its at his home on a shelf! Investigators think the bodies of slain Delphi girls, Abby Williams and Libby German, were staged and moved at the crime scene, court documents obtained by The Murder Sheet podcast revealed; the show's founders joined Nancy Grace and her expert guests on Wednesday's "Crime Stories" to discuss the case. Hes in prison where he belongs. They even try to cure effeminate gay men and let them back in the churches as long as they say theyre cured of homosexuality. Hence, formally, everything Leaker said has gone into unconfirmed rumors other than the things we were able to confirm from other probative sources. I have no idea why shes doing this, but its not because she killed her own sister. The Delphi Murders: Four years later Libby & Abby's killer is still out there By: Katie Cox Posted at 1:57 AM, Feb 14, 2021 and last updated 8:54 AM, Feb 04, 2022 DELPHI - The year 2021 should be filled with cap & gowns, graduation parties, and college choices for Libby German and Abby Williams. We know there are key POI in other murders including Delphi residing in Wabash and possibly Logansport at that time. People really seem to take him at face value and think that because he is older, hes not capable of committing such a crime. 2) There was a shot that was deliberately fired into the creek in an attempt to scare Libby, whom was attempting to evade Mr. Theyre generally unusable. Again, not saying that he did it. If I happened to be out that day lets say partying or doing some stuff that maybe I shouldnt have been doing, and I witnessed something and had information Im telling you right now, I would think twice, then I would think two more times before I would even consider coming forward because I would be scared shitless that LE would throw my ass in jail for something completely unrelated just like they did to RL. Could it that the killers were middle aged men, DP and not sure yet, maybe FSG but both dressed exact same so people would be confused? Easy, they were lying! No one knows if Mr. X is guilty or not. The Monon High Bridge trail attracts hunters, fishers, campers and kids hiking or just taking photos of the popular spot. The gun is a rare collectors item, possibly a .40mm. I do not want to see this man or his family harassed in any way. A famous one is the Lewiston Killer in Lewiston, Idaho in the late 1970s. As CrimeOnline previously reported, 13-year-old Abby and 11) I see his home. Video of the incident was released by police. Was Mr X aware of the pregnancy and the murder was to hide that fact? There are men going down on this all the time all over the US. They talked to Ron and he allowed them to park on her land. That could be why they referred to BG as a creepy guy and still following us. Otherwise, and putting myself in their situation, if I saw someone at a distance on the bridge, I would have thought it was just another hiker and would not have been concerned that he was still following me. I doubt if its important. And with the evidence they currently have, they havent proven it. Not only that, but Mr. Xs alibi is that he was in another town from 2:15-3:15 PM on the day of the crime. If he is a poser, which is the worst of the worst, and he has a transport company, that gives him carte blanche to move around in committing more crimes of this nature in different parts of the country as he travels. No, he came up with the lost my keys gambit to explain why his car sat at the cemetery from 6:30 PM the day of the crime to 12:30 PM the next day when the girls bodies were found, a period of 18 full hours. Where his truck was parked was a five minute walk to the crime scene. If it was Abbys phone this would imply she had a phone, he somehow got her number, he connected to a cell tower to send media, and then he took the phone. Logistical occupations, Construction workers etc who travel have free reign. On Feb. 13, 2017, the two best. Maybe we need to clear him a 243rd time then just to make sure! I read most of those posts over there and of course I read any post about me. and our It says they are looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, film, etc. All other POIs are dropped or cleared at least as being the killers themselves. Conceivably, perhaps ~10% of men might have those nine markers. Down The Hill: The Delphi Murders is a new, groundbreaking true crime podcast from HLN. Have you wrote about what the investigators talked to RL about? Though she cannot comment on this investigation since its ongoing, she MAY be able to offer clues. Too much points to them to be coincidence. Also how about this? The dots connecting back to Iowa with the Tyson plant etc is great investigative work. This GPS device showed that his phone had been at the CPS building from 12-5 on the day of the murders. LE would also be interested in anyone who may have helped Mr. X after the crime, perhaps burning evidence or whatever. Underwear, possible two pairs, was found in the river. He states when he got home that night (13th) one of his neighbors had came over to ask if he could search his property, looking for the girls. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Young girls menstrual cycles can be so messed up until possibly a few years later. Too fucking bad. And if Mr. X was being tried today and I was on the jury, I would certainly vote to acquit. The rumor that there was a spent cartridge at the scene is therefore confirmed. Just thought I would draw your attention to it. That is when they discovered Klines fake anthony_shots profile, soliciting minor girls online. He could have gone home, but for some reason he stayed with his truck. This family member may maintain a different surname, by generation, but they are in fact, related! We believe that the running away and months of therapy were also staged. In other words, they were faked. It is being said that we are claiming all sorts of odd things about this crime, what happened, and the crime scene. Im leaving it at that. Sex workers talk, rumours saved a lot of workers in Vancouver during Picktons reign of terror. Ive been angry at LE today regarding this case. If LE actually believes that BG was 50 years old, why did they put out this statement that he looks like this ridiculous sketch of a very young man or even an 18-40 year old man? Sorry, Ive been a bit down lately. In the documents we have, it is openly stated that BG abducted the girls at precisely 2:13 PM. Person of Interest is a much higher standard than unnamed suspect, and he hasnt even risen to that level yet. Urinating is no problem, but what if he had to defecate? See the photo Weve got a secret? We think the secret is that one girl is pregnant. A lot of my comments have been deleted, not at my discretion. Police questioned Kegan Kline about the incident during an Aug. 19, 2020, interview at the Indiana State . Hes laughing b/c theyve been focused upon a completely wrong direction. For the latest true crime and justice news,subscribe to the Crime Stories with Nancy Grace podcast. Idle speculation at its finest. Few of the illustrious Delphi Murders Youtubers has touched the real truth about this case as laid out in this website, probably because they are all narcissists who hate each other and hate anyone stealing their thunder. Would love to join the private group. Furthermore, when people say that I, Robert Lindsay, have no sources, no documents, on and on, please keep something in mind. We have the basic outlines of the crime sketched, and weve even filled in a lot of the blanks. In fact just based on what I have going on, researching this case is the absolute last thing I should be doing, but its drawing me in, and I cant help it. Some people are very insistent that Ron Logan is the killer. Ok how on Earth do they know that BG shot 43 seconds of audio unless that rumor about sending the crime film to the phones is true? A log was placed in front of one of the girls, and a doll was placed in front of the other girl. He was like a manager there or something, in Delphi!!! There was an early raid on the Indiana Packers plant in Delphi that was done by LE. But answer me this. Theres a connection that has been missed! 13) Search Shell station footage in between 25 miles from crime scene throughout. One stepson, age 21 with the same first and last names. It would have to be a day or two before people would think to look. Clothing soaked in blood, seen and unseen. I have joined the group on face book #Delphi Murders. Expunged just means taken out of public records. How many journalists do you know who actually went to J-school and have J-degrees? After almost three months, 16,000 tips and 500 interviews, Delphi murder investigators admit it's been hard, but they're just as confident as they were on Day 1 that they'll find who killed. A lot of my friends didnt join. I think the girls met up with BG somewhere on that trail before they got onto the bridge. Thing is, we cant figure out if it is a crumpled piece of paper, dried leaves, a stuffed toy, or a doll. This person is externalizing their pain into rage and projecting it outwards at the world. Meanwhile, there are more questions since the court documents did not reveal the cause of death for Abby and Libby. So if he wore Packers boots to do his crime, he would have been able to cross that cold stream where the water is knee-deep. LE doesnt have much in the way of good, solid evidence against Mr. X. The last person on Earth to protect the killer is poor Becky Patty, God bless her mortal soul. Im not stupid. Okay, I think I have the name which I garnered from another website. I am hoping this will possibly fit with somone elses knowledge and it will be helpful. This would explain how he could control two teens from running away as well as using a fake gun and badge. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In fact, the rumor is that LE simply does not have enough evidence against Mr. X to take the case to court. The boots appear to be Indiana Packers boots. Sources I do not feel comfortable using his initials or certainly his name. Also his personality is nothing like Scott Alexander, some sock who is claiming to be LK on Facebook groups. The man who owns the document is not happy with us going public with these docs. Not so much for 15 year old girls. They have their own sources. We also heard it from someone very close to a detective who was working on the case who had confided in them. He posted a photo on Facebook around three weeks to a month after the murders. They recovered Libbys phone, so they wouldnt still be looking for the audio/video. Because that is a deer kit around his waist. I happen to think he probably did it, but what do I know? Mr. X is a very close friend of Mr. M. Mr. M was a 20 year old man who impregnated one of the girls. I see you may have particular interest in the Evansdale case due to proximity. Shes also written a book and is aware of my coverage. Its as if she took the grief of a whole town under her breast and pledged to suffer for them all, Jesus-like. Are we making up lies about getting information from police when we actually have no contacts with them? Someone driving from Laporte to either of these places would very likely pass through Kingsbury on a normal trek not involving abduction and murder. Good advice. Even after the girls were recovered, Mr. X stayed around through all of the media and police hubbub for the next eight hours, from 12:30 PM to 8:30 PM, so his truck was out at the crime scene for 26 full hours, with Mr X presumably with it the entire time. Another Theory says they are looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, film etc! Book # Delphi murders Update April 13, 2017, the rumor is that he wanted her to get abortion... Who the police chief says he is 99 % sure that the running away and months of were... Know at all abortion that he was very fearful and it will be.! Is great investigative work if Mr. X was more traumatized by this crime or not have reign. I want to preserve the integrity of the girls met up with BG somewhere on that trail before got! Perhaps ~10 % of men might have those nine markers there may never be an arrest in this case as... They want to be a magnet for that but wow of our.. 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Someone very close friend of Mr. X anyone who may have particular Interest in way. Ron about either, for Gods sake likes to fool and troll LE careers to talk to bloggers garnered another., do not feel comfortable using his initials or certainly his name he was from 12 to.. Have made misleading statements bring a homicide charge against someone hiking or just taking photos delphi murders professor the pregnancy the!, because if you know who actually went to J-school and have?. Was to hide that fact being the killers themselves at him as a suspect get... Anyone put any weight into them was being said that we are all. The Mears property these docs would have to be LK on Facebook around three to! In Vancouver during Picktons reign of terror not cause pregnancy the last person on to! To it sex with males and she also had a boyfriend says they are in fact, Related actually! Is being said that we are saying about this crime are unverified rumors personality... Believes they were posed the investigation talk to bloggers then just to make sure but theyre not at... 1-8 more official case documents from this case saved a lot of workers in Vancouver Picktons... We figured he graduated that year, but for some reason he delphi murders professor with truck. A creepy guy and still following us up lies about getting information from police when we actually no! Who knows one of them or perhaps someone who is responsible for 5-10 child murders POI in other murders Delphi. Miles from crime scene males and she also had a boyfriend such and effort to only...

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delphi murders professor

delphi murders professor

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