danny shelton 3abn biography

Why don't you make other people prove things before you make up your mind? This phone call from Danny occurred months before I heard that there was trouble between him and Linda. Later, when a microwave signal interference study was conducted on the property, an amazed technician remarked, Mr. When the problems between Danny and Linda became known, I was just as much in the dark as anyone else who was not directly at 3ABN or close by. The evidence to support this last statement will be revealed in due time. Pastor Gilley was a beloved husband, father, and leader in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. As a studio vocalist she worked with the industry's finest, became a . the PDF, Once again you are wrong. I called the laboratory that does 85% of all DNA testing in the world to get a referral for another accredited DNA testing laboratory. All information and content on this web site is copyrighted by Pacic Press Publishing Association, Inc. ("Pacic Press"), the owner of this web site. Linda does not have a deep-pockets donor to give her a minimum of $15,000.00 per month for legal fees as Danny does. I am not saying that I know that Danny or Brandy committed fraud. If you don't want me to let anyone else listen to it, I won't. In all my years, I have never known of any other divorced person doing such a thing. Linda Shelton is NOT an adulteress either spiritually or physically. Those interested can monitor the case docket at The testing was done with a home kit and not in the presence of a third party or at a certified DNA testing laboratory or with government identification documents. I'll let you know hopefully sometime Monday. YOU are the one who came up with the suggestion that people think Brandy's child is yours. See all books authored by Danny Shelton, including Ten Commandments Twice Removed, and The Antichrist Agenda: The Ten Commandments Twice Removed, and more on ThriftBooks.com. While Brandy was still married to Shawn Brannack, she became pregnant by a man other than her husband Kevin Murray (according to Brandy) - in May or June of 1999, and gave birth to Trinity on February 26, 2000. It should be noted that we were first scheduled to meet in the parking lot of the public school in Thompsonville, Ill. Danny Shelton subsequently asked if we could move the meeting place to the county Courthouse in Benton, Illinois a few miles up the freeway north of West Frankfort, Ill (West Frankfort/Thompsonville, Ill is the location of the headquarters of 3ABN). Right before I traveled to Southern Illinois on April 29, 2009, for the DNA testing, I asked Danny Shelton via e-mail to bring the infamous tape to our meeting, so I could hear it. Schedule J of that filing, on page 33 He answered, No., We talked for about 15 minutes and I, still confused about what was going on, asked several more questions, including more clarification on what he meant by Spiritual adultery. He said that it meant that a woman had given her heart to another man., I asked if this woman he was counseling wanted to remain married to her husband. No one at 3ABN or who has ever worked for 3ABN. During this time, Danny Shelton sent me between six and twelve e-mails saying, in essence, I know youre not going to come to Southern Illinois because I know that you know I am not the father of Trinity. It happened over and over again. Unless of course, Brandy chose to name her daughter after a lead character (named Trinity) in the violent, anti-God, science fiction movie called Matrix which debuted in theaters in America in March of 1999, just one year before Trinity was born. Herman said they would report the allegations in Illinois to federal authorities. Send it to me at the address on this letterhead. Since 1991 or so, I have been a guest a number of times on 3ABN. 45). I have no idea if that child was Trinity Murray. He visited a pastor friend, Hal Steenson, who had some television equipment, sharing what he was impressed to do. ". certainly Jim Gilley would not have signed the Form 990 under penalty of perjury, declaring that 3ABN had given A talented pianist, ET also appears as a guest artist on network events. I will swear that before God. Shelton promptly announced in an interview with the Adventist Review that evangelism campaigns in large cities will be a priority for the broadcasting ministry, starting with a project in London next year. So far, I am totally healthy and strong as an ox. However, I was shocked at the seeming rapidity with which Danny divorced Linda, his wife of 18 years in a Quickie Divorce in Guam - apparently accomplished over the internet, and the lightning speed with which Linda was fired from her job as Vice-President and co-founder of 3 ABN. I dont know. Since my trip to Southern Illinois on April 28, 2009, and my return on April 29 after collecting the DNA samples from Danny and Brandy Shelton and a child identified to me as Trinity Murray, I have had to travel to Texas and to Washington, D.C. plus try to catch up on my work when I have returned home from each trip. Then the heat would be off and Danny would not have to be tested. He has shared the gospel in 59 countries, sung with the Heritage Singers, and been a vocalist for 3ABN, Amazing Facts, It Is Written, and Voice of Prophecy. There is a witness who was privy to a conversation Danny Shelton had with Brandy's mother long before 2004, telling Danny that Brandy was coming out for a job interview. Longing to find a way to express Gods love to the world, he suddenly felt strongly impressed to build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels messages [of Revelation 14]. As we grieve his loss, we take comfort in the words of 1 Thessalonians 4:14, which reminds . And will you give your answer under oath? Linda wanted very much to remain married to Danny at that time and couldnt figure out why he was behaving so strangely. All this, plus uplifting music, live event coverage, and childrens programming, helps us in proclaiming the three angels messages of Revelation 14:612. (I have always kept my appointment books for previous years, and the one for 1999 shows that I was at 3ABN in June of 1999.) From: Lorraine Day I asked Danny to have each person bring the two required pieces of U.S. government approved Identification (usually a passport and a government issued I.D. Danny Shelton keeps repeating that, No reason is needed in the State of Illinois for an employer to fire an employee. (How convenient for him and all of you.) I made the same offer to those guys that if they could prove that Brandy was here before Nov. 2004, or that she spent anytime at 3ABN prior to Nov. of 2004 I would give them $10,000! I have even heard that some at 3ABN have said, God talks to Danny Shelton, and Danny Shelton talks to us. Brandy may have quit working at 3ABN when she became pregnant with her second child as that would have been a rather touchy situation. If indeed Brandy signed the original DNA testing agreement on April 1 an entire month before the testing took place as the document shows, why was she angry now? But I am not that easily programmed. You obviously considered her expendable! When I saw their picture, I said, Yes, thats the Brandy I worked with when I was there in 1999., I thought nothing more about it until I learned much later that Danny, Dr. Walter Thompson (the Chairman of the Board of 3ABN) and apparently others at 3ABN, were saying that Brandy had not come to work at 3ABN until November of 2004. Sometime in the spring of 2004 (possibly March or April), Danny called me on the phone and said that he was counseling a couple on their marital problems because the wife of the couple had committed Spiritual adultery. I responded, Danny, I have never heard of such a term. Walker's lawyer, Jeff Herman, of Miami, said Shelton commuted to 3ABN from his home in Kentucky for the purpose of abusing Walker, which Herman believes makes the civil suit a federal case. I had heard nothing from either DNA testing center to which the samples were sent until Tuesday, May 19. Simpson again refused to produce the board minutes authorizing that transaction, claiming I told you what I was thinking. 48 acres of land was given to Danny in exchange for $96,000. I have it on my desk as I am writing to you. In 2000 3ABN expanded to provide worldwide satellite coverage for its television and radio networks. It doesn't hurt me what you think. Walker said he originally met Shelton in 1997 during a two-month visit to Virginia, where Shelton served as a pastor. In addition, why would a young, attractive woman, a single mother of two children, a non-SDA, leave her home in the Tampa, Florida area, a cosmopolitan area of close to a million people, a state and area full of beaches, bikinis, sunshine, and beach volleyball, a state where her mother and the rest of her family resided, and move to a tiny, obscure, town in rainy, humid, land-locked, Southern Illinois Thompsonville, Illinois - a town of 588 people, with the closest metropolitan area (St. Louis, MO) two hours away by car, to apply for a job at a Seventh-day Adventist television network - in a town where she supposedly knew no one? And the kind of evidence of which Im speaking does not include the false accusations and outright lies by Brenda Walsh, accusations that crumble with the slightest investigation - investigation that all of you should have done but obviously did not. Can you please tell me how you heard of us? DNA testing Agreement wadded up and thrown away? copy of the papers Brandy Shelton filed in Tampa. But in Although it is not formally tied to any particular church or denomination, much of its programming focuses on Seventh-day Adventist theology and Adventist doctrine. As I said, she may have come to 3ABN AGAIN in Nov. 2004, but YOU were looking for housing for her in August of 2004. and I worked with her at 3ABN either in 1999 or 2000. I quote you. I say apparently because the signature on the DNA testing agreement that is alleged to be Brandys looks very different from her signature on the license of her marriage to Kevin Murray, her second husband, and different from her signature on her passport. The child was never allowed to sit up in the back seat of the truck where she could be seen. So what if Brandy worked at 3ABN in 1999 or 2000?! According to that brand of religiosity, no proof is needed for Danny to be believed. Thanks again for talking with me tonight. Sometime between 2004 and 2006, I heard that Danny was going with a woman named Brandy. 00:19 Welcome today to the Carter Report, 00:21 We have a great program today because we have a great guest. Danny Shelton is the founder of 3ABN, a nonprofit organization with the vision to "mend broken people" through the powerful messages of God's Word. You say you will do something - - - - then you add conditions that make it certain that you will NOT have to do what you SAY you WILL do. [2] In October 2017, 3ABN announced the sale of 14 LPTV stations to HC2 Holdings.[3]. But that was not the case with this child. And within a week or two she died. 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feetregarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Linda's attorneys. Why did Danny and Brandy keep this child hidden under a blanket for almost the entire time we were together? Yvonne Lewis-Shelton. I NEVER said that I thought Brandy's second child was yours. The following e-mails were sent in December of 2008 and were the beginning discussions that led to my going to Southern Illinois on April 29, 2009 to collect the DNA specimens. In addition, we provide programs that especially target the needs of urban audiences, including Christian money management, parenting, and ex-offender rehabilitation. I wonder who could have been posting that deliberately false information!! To: Danny Shelton He said it was when a wife had given her heart to another man. The Reverend Tommy Shelton was a pastor at the Ezra Church, was accused of sexually abusing boys in the 1980's. He then began to work after those allegations for the Three Angels Broadcasting Network. Its just something we have to fill out on our order form and I completely missed it. There is no legitimate reason for them to do so. (End of pertinent part of December 22, 2008 e-mail), Below is the specific e-mail where the subject of Trinitys paternity came up. So why do you care so much? Danny had to accuse Linda of adultery viciously, loudly (and falsely), in order to pretend to have grounds to marry the woman he had waiting in the wings yet still hold on to his reputation and prestige, maintain his private access to the money tree of 3ABN, and keep his job with all its perks, including his private jet. But she continued to refer to it as ugly juice. Click to reveal 4. That is why Danny and his attorneys wanted a Protective Order so none of this information can be made public. She may have returned to work there in November of 2004. Added 11/16/2010 that these board minutes were subject to attorney-client and work-product privilege. She has also sung with some of the world's finest musicians. Danny is also a composer, singer, and best-selling author. ----- Original Message ----- Looking for books by Danny Shelton? And that is exactly where Danny wants Linda! In addition, I had no idea in, at first, that Brandy had any children. Your complicity in this mess makes you just as guilty as Danny Shelton. A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. new property nearby. Danny Shelton's cover up of the child molestation allegations against Tommy Shelton, one of the defendants I never even knew her then. Linda is not the person saying this. American football defensive lineman who was taken in the first round of the 2015 NFL Draft by the Cleveland Browns. Don't you think Pickle and Joy's investigation of employees and former employees, who are not now supportive of 3ABN, would have turned up the fact that Brandy did at one time work at 3ABN or that she was here before Nov. of 2004? This is the tape that Danny claims as proof that Linda was having an adulterous affair with the doctor. After all, Brandy was not a Seventh-day Adventist at the time, so why wouldnt these other ministries be fine? I have been accused by Danny of being on Linda's side. Page 5 of that agreement, which is page 8 of What about those who don't choose God? And this circumstantial evidence is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Why do you think that Dannys goal has been to force a Silence Agreement on everyone who has information about this sordid episode! On I haven't falsely accused ANYONE - not you and not Brandy. So, Walter Thompson and all you other Board members, tell me and tell the world WHY did you fire Linda Shelton from her position as Vice President of 3ABN? I have always considered both Danny and Linda as my friends. I agreed. When Dannys mother, Goldie, was found to have inoperable cancer (her abdomen was opened up and closed up by the surgeons because she was full of cancer), Danny called me right away. They lived about 300 miles from me. Within a week or so, she died.). I cant read his mind to detect the reason, but I had told him repeatedly that demanding that I or anyone else put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested certainly made him look guilty. That letter is dated June 16, 2004. I asked him how this woman had demonstrated that she had given her heart to another man. Danny was quite vague with his answer. Noting that 2,500 new Christians needed a place to worship, 3ABN purchased an unfinished 70,000 square-foot building and began remodeling it to meet this urgent need. Then, to his amazement, Hal volunteered to donate the equipment to him a short time later! You took her word for it. I stayed there three or four days and gave her a whole set of my videos, educated her about God's Health Plan, taught her daughter Tammy how to cook healthful food for her and make the juices, prayed with her and told her the importance of following God's Ten Step health Plan with 100% commitment, including learning to FORGIVE everyone who has ever wronged you, including learning to LOVE one's enemies, including learning to be totally Unselfish, including learning to truly trust in God. Box 8 And why would Danny Shelton try to extort $10,000.00 from me, a friend who had helped his family in the past? I call that a business investment. Each series of DNA tests costs approximately $450.00. Oh, in my ignorance why do I need a paternity test on her father as I know who the father is. In his so-called spare time he enjoys songwriting, writing books, raising horses, and country living. the courthouse noted Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:57 PM Danny Shelton told me that Trinity Murray does not have a Social Security number. Stop ignoring the Gorilla in the room. If this assumption is right.. then I will gladly take a paternity test but I first want the accuser if there really is one to put up $10,000 if they are wrong. That marriage lasted a little over three years. DNA Diagnostics Center performs 3 out of 4 private paternity tests. From: Lorraine Day That home has been sold and. After that, Danny and I had many conversations by e-mail. No one at 3ABN in 1999 or 2000? books by Danny Shelton 's up... Simpson again refused to produce the board minutes authorizing that transaction, I! The truck where she could be seen x27 ; t choose God was going with a woman named.... To me at the time, so why wouldnt these other ministries fine. 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danny shelton 3abn biography

danny shelton 3abn biography

danny shelton 3abn biography

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