sermon i'm still holding on

The walls come tumbling down. 9. You hear a lot of talk about what will the new year bring, what does the future hold? You see me shaking hands and telling people to hang in there but they dont know what Im going through. The spirit of depression is also spoken of in scripture and, and I feel it is one of the most powerful wiles of the devil. I'm still holding on. It was a wind of great fury that came out of the Northeast. The more you focus on God the sooner your purpose will head in the direction of your destiny. God is still in control. While you are going through, you can still rejoice. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. [If a can put a pen here quickly and tell you, just because you are a child of God does not mean you will not have trouble.]. Am going throw a rough time, Ive applying for a job for so long and it seems like God is not interested in me. Paul said, Men you should have listened to me and not set sail from Crete and incurred this injury and loss.. The Lord is my Light and my Salvation; whom shall I fear. TITLE: To LIVE - SHINE Share 4. There in that Philippian jail, Paul and Silas held on because they had something to hold on to. You may say, holding on is easy when the problem has not arrived. Thanks for commenting. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. As her parents helped her onto the horse, she cried, What do I do? You will see that He will always provide everything you need. What a lesson for such a hurried society as ours! It is commonly accepted that the prophet Jeremiah is the author of this book and I guess you can say this is fitting when you consider that Jeremiah is known as the weeping/crying prophet. Unconditional election knocks the wind out of our pride, but it also buoys us up when we feel like were drowning. Have a blessed day. joy that the devil could take, because it was deep in the rock. We have our struggles, heartache, and pain but we are not destroyed. read more, Scripture: And Him grabbing Peter right out of . He knew everything about our frailties and even our sins, but he chose us, came for us, and redeemed us anyway. Hold On, Im Not Done Yet! Before we answer that question, we must ask, how did he see? I NEED GOD INTERVENTION UPON MY LIFE. We trust; we lean; we grab tight as we walk through the valleys, longing and hoping for the day of victory; for another trip to the mountain top; in which we have full confidence will one day come. ", "Jesus be a fence all around me everyday! With his nail-pierced. If you have joy, let others see it! Job 1:6-12. Today's sermon takes a look at holding on to God during sadness and depression Home Sermons Food For Thought Sunday School Bible Study Series Still Holding On by Reverend Leo H. McCrary II Key Verse(s): Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. Privacy Policy. HE knows if we havent matured in Christ. A tear rolled down her cheek and she whispered, Guilty.. We simply walk away from what could have been our destruction. All Rights Reserved. Im still holding on, If a man die, shall he live again? We desperately need God to teach us. David also found that God had not only prepared a refuge, but that God was his Refuge. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. When Jesus taught that a man to be his disciple must deny himself and take up his cross (Matt 10:38; 16:24), he was not speaking of self-denial or the bearing of heavy burdens; he was speaking of willingness to suffer martyrdom. Even with that, we need Gods plain path. October 8, 2017 Posted by Rev Marvin Moss Sermons. It wasnt really a plea for people to vote for him. He pens one of the most hopeful passages of scriptures that we find in the bible. Seven times in the book of Hebrews, the author captures the heart of Christianity in a simple, wonderful command: draw near. The empire will send its legions. We always can hold onto Him.Its when we lose touch with the Lord that we fall into fear and panic, but keeping our minds on Him in thought, prayer, and worship brings peace to our hearts and minds. And as it neared towards the end of this series of days, some say day thirteen, Paul realized that the men had reached a state of hopelessness. Because Pauls story ended just the way the Lord had promised. Though the road has been rough And the goings been mighty tough, still I ain't going Nowhere, I'm right here to stay. In the darkest hour, we see that Jeremiah still hoped in the Lord Jeremiah was still holding on! And there is somebody in here thats is in a storm right now and it's not a storm that has been around just a little while, but youve been in that storm for a long time. We fall short in our faith we must overcome this failure. Seeing election anchor Sarah in the psych ward gave me a fresh perspective on why God has revealed to us that we were chosen by him before he formed the world. died until the redemptions price was paid in full; and died until the debt for sin was satisfied; I tell you this morning, brothers and sisters, many times you see me smiling; but you dont know what Im going through. ", Psalm 30:5 says, "Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.". We, as the Church, have failed our neighbors. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. Peter could have run for cover, but it would have meant letting go of the belay. We both exclaimed those precious promises out loud in the stark and sterile room, tears streaming down our faces: And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified (Romans 8:30). David knew where his help came from. The heart is the soul. I have to tell you this morning my brothers and sisters, the storm is raging, but God has told me to tell you: "Everything will be alright! Prayers for "a touch". But I cant really criticize the captain too much; if I am to be totally honest, there have been times in my life, when I have departed too soon. Bible Popular Verses John 3:16 James 4:7 Psalm 23:1 Romans 8:28 Matthew 6:34 Hebrews 11:1 Philippians 4:13 . The sound of it was eerie. How do we learn patience, and more importantly, how do we hold on to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Daniel 3:2-20, Denomination: For Paul said, I perceive that it would be life threatening if you set sail right now. But the captain disregarded what Paul had to say. I read a story about a little girl who was very nervous at the prospect of her first horseback ride, even though she was to be perched behind her grandfather who was an excellent rider. The spirit (demon) of sadness and depression has jump inside and possesses many today. Note that David proclaims how he saw things through God. He saw Gods goodness when they crossed the Jordans. 13. We must also Proclaim God as our Light. For whatever reason, we like to ignore the subject of sadness and depression I do not understand why that is. Giving: Audio Sermons : ~ Worship Songs And Hymns : Church Of God : I'm Still Here I'm Still Here by Church Of God Topic: Godly Music: Description: nil: 978 downloads : Sermon Comments (0) 2002-2023 Promoting Genuine Biblical Revival. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Jeremiah was saddened that he had to deliver warnings and prophesies of Israels looming demise to his brethren. I loved your ending line. In our weakness, the Lords strength is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9). Whatever the reason, God was still orchestrating events to His timetableleaving Joseph imprisoned for another two full years before delivering him, illustrating once again that we should be patient as we wait on God. Our Lord said, You will know a tree by its fruit. Thus it behooves us to be careful as we journey through this life. All rights reserved. Please check out my latest Episode of #StayEncouraged Stop, Pause and Pray. David recognized that even if there were no enemies to complain about, he would still need God to be good, gracious, and kind. We trust; we lean; we grab tight as we walk through the valleys, longing and hoping for the day of victory; for another trip to the mountain top; in which we have full confidence will one day come. So in all things, keep God first and let Him deal with your worst. Job 1: 6-12 I believe there are three forms of depression: physical depression, mental depression, and spiritual depression. Scripture: To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. read more, Scripture: Yet, Lamentations, like other books in the Bible, serve a very important purpose for the readersof the Bible. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, No matter what happens, Im still holding on to God, Still Holding On Evangelical/Non-Denominational. It seems like all of us are going through some kind of trouble. Now that storm was an awful storm. That's all I had to tell you--- (1) if you find yourself in a storm because you failed to listen; and (2) you launched out to soon; and (3) the storm is lasting to long; don't give up in the storm but hold on and keep your faith. Why would God show us His Deliverance if we could not run there in the time of trouble? This inconvenient element, this confused emotion, this transitive verb which had been photographed in my mind called trouble. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. God heard Joshuas prayer. Now the storms of life can come in so many ways. Sarah could not hold on to God in her darkest hour, but she knew that he was still holding on to her. Paul and Silas would still say, dont faint. David K. Flowers Genesis 32:22-29, Denomination: Through the Lords mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. The reason for not fainting was greater than the reason to faint. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. MY RENT EXPIRED TWO MONTHS AGO. And it kept on raging. Its a sign of things to come. God has to give patience, and He does so through the learning process. TEXT: Philippians 2:12-18 The domino effects leading to our salvation did not begin at birth, or even at Christs birth, but in eternity past when God foreknew us. 1. Why desire and seek after to dwell in the House of the Lord? Sometimes it is good to only have a few friends versus having people around who are really your enemies. You dont know the heartache. Christ has both hands on the reins. Intro: Flying at 4000 feet, the flight seemed normal. Remember, the father said that the spirit (demon) in the son would cast him into the fire and into the water trying to destroy him. As a preacher in our time today, I understand the feeling of preaching when nobody is really listening. There is something profoundly stabilizing about knowing that the most powerful One in the universe holds you (John 10:2829). He didnt have a laundry When Sarah was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, my wife began to bring her soup. Broken Lately I have been feeling powerless to grasp onto Him. What we must do is prepare for God as our Refuge. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers. Please keep me in your prayers! Yes, I notice I have a problem but I look to see God. Suddenly, a thousand feet above them, a 500-ton slab of granite cut loose and cartwheeled toward earth. The Psalmist recognized that he had enemies. Apostolic. Seventh-Day Adventist, Its good to know that it does not matter how many times we get knocked down, just as long as we get up again? When we are in the midst of our distress, its not always easy to be of good cheer. She knew that nothing could separate her from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. One of the treatments had taken a horrible turn. But to make matters worse: For this storm didnt just last a few days. Tim writes regularly at. I just bought a glass company last month, and It was threw reading Gods Word that I found the answer to "should I sign the deed or not" God led me Jerm.32. Someone I tell you is in one of lifes storms. For my face to look pleasing and pretty. . HOLD ON TO THE SAVIOR'S PROMISE The Lord has promised us rest but He did not promise to take away all of our trouble. can cause our life to end up in a storm; Those on board this ship along with Paul were in an awesome storm. While I was there, I had the The Apollo 13 Spacecraft Commander James Lovell quoted those now famous lines, Houston, we have a problem. The mission had a lot of issues, but Lovell was talking to his command center for direction. There are many lessons you will learn in life if you pay attention. Not only must we see God, we must also seek His goodness. While there is no need to become paranoid, there is a need to be cautious because sometimes it is extremely difficult to tell who your friends are and who your enemies are. God did not bring them all that way to abandon them in the midnight hour. Perseverance, Faithful, Strength, 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. It Hurts But I'm Still Holding On. Sermon: Holding On by Rev. I have felt swept here and there by the circumstances of my life. At that moment, neither of us was arguing for the doctrine of Gods absolute sovereignty over salvation. Some of the things you and I have had to face would have been impossible to survive had it not been for God. He knows theyll be telling the Romans to crucify Him, but to release a man guilty of insurrection. We either dont think depression is real or we dont take depression as seriously as I believe we should. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. We have been given authority (power) over these unclean spirits the power to present them to the Lord. Isaiah 41:10- So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. The pilot, Henry Dempsey was at the controls when he heard an unusual noise in the rear of the small commuter I dont know how to ride a horse! We Pray: We proudly hunch our shoulders and say, thats their fault; no, its our fault. There are three that I think are essential if you are to have any degree of success and sanity in this world. SERIES: To Live Im quite sorry if you are new to the faith and that surprises or disappoints you. No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from his hand.. Keep on pressing and stay focused on your God given purpose. So rest in knowing that when you keep holding on, you will see that in your weakness, God will be your strength. That was the promise she was holding on to the last time I saw her, and it is the promise that she will be praising Christ for the next time I see her. Other times, however, life gets to be a bitter battle just to stay afloat. David held on and did not faint while facing the threats of King Saul. We tried to take Gods gifts on our own terms, but the natural world wont rebel against its Creator. I'm still holding on Genesis 40: 14-15 14 And please remember me and do me a favor when things go well for you. I just cant stop my tears reading your encouraging post. (16) - Philippians 4:6-7 The first thing you can do is wait patiently for God, even when you are afraid. The enemy cant go in there. And the record is that the wind kept on blowing. But God spoke peace to Him and said, . I'm still holding to his hand You see when I was young, I gave God my hand, And I told him to lead the way. 14:27, NLT) It's basically Jesus saying to you, "Hey child, I've got this covered. Jesus, the Righteous Son of God, indeed God in the Flesh, had enemies. I cannot say that the book of Lamentations (wailings) is one of my favorite books in the bible. But not a hair of your head will perish." When God saved Paul,He saved him for a purpose. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see. (Romans 15:1) bear with the infirmities of the weak. We all have our weaknesses we all have our weaknesses but they do not make us weak. This message will cause you to look over your life in retrospect,and when you do youll remember to give God the Praise! Holding on To My Faith Part 2 Amen. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most, Sometimes when you're at the end of your rope you have to learn how to tie the knot and still hold on, Im still holding on Genesis 40: 14-15 As disciples ourselves, because we are followers of Christ, we too have a ministry that we must share with all nations, but especially to those that are brokenhearted. Present them to the faith and that surprises or disappoints you disappoints.. I perceive that it would be life threatening if you are to have any degree of success and sanity this! Some of the Lord in the morning. `` and redeemed us anyway God, indeed God in her hour... 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sermon i'm still holding on

sermon i'm still holding on

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