navy boot camp division photos 2007

Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 400 for 1960, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: J. P. Soltvedt, MMC. 1950 Great Lakes Company 067 Navy Boot Camp Book. Our 1947 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commander: W. Webber, BTC. 83 Men Graduated 16 June 1965. Company Commander: R. G. Blackburn, TMTC. The Veterans History Project (VHP) at the Library of Congress collects, preserves and makes accessible the firsthand recollections of U.S. military veterans who served from World War I through more recent conflicts and peacekeeping missions, so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand what they saw, did and . 84 Men Graduated 28 September 1965. 80 Men Graduated. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 256 for 1966, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1962 Great Lakes Company 57 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1955 Great Lakes Company 260 Navy Boot Camp Book. December 1974 (Fleet Week) Boot Camper Slim and Trim . Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. 1960 Great Lakes Company 569 Navy Boot Camp Book. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Our 1964 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commander: N. W. Maudsley, CBM. 60 Men Graduated 16 June 1978. Anything prior the timeframes stated above no longer are available. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 46 for 1957, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 82 Men Graduated 10 July 1968. See more of U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command on Facebook. 1954 Great Lakes Company 230 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1947 Great Lakes Company 163 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1948 Great Lakes Company 50 Navy Boot Camp Book. ALBANIA Feb . Company Commander: E. H. Sutton, BM1. Company Commander: AMCS J. C. Hopper. Company Commander: G. E. Duckworth, DDC. Company Commander: LTC D. B. Tomich USN. 73 Men Graduated. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. When their boot camp platoon photo is seen again after many years through our military records, it is a stirring moment for veterans and their loved ones. Company Commander: R. J. Fluker, QM1, 57 Men Graduated 15 August 1955. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 038 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. ADRIATIC SEA Feb 24 2023. The GG Archives is the work and passion of two people, Paul Gjenvick, a professional archivist, and Evelyne Gjenvick, a curator. 1951 Great Lakes Company 67 Navy Boot Camp Book. 76 Men graduated. 100 Men Graduated. 1965 Great Lakes Company 259 Navy Boot Camp Book. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 085 for 1963, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1951 Great Lakes Company 038 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: J. W. Krouse, MR1. 1960 Great Lakes Company 528 Navy Boot Camp Book. Our 1962 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. 74 Men Graduated 21 October 1977. Company Commander: R. M. Snyder, GMC. Our 1983 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. 1955 Great Lakes Company 182 Navy Boot Camp Book. Craft, BMC. MERSIN, Turkiye (Feb. 28, 2023) Retail Services Specialist 3rd Class Christian AmbrizAmbriz, from MERSIN, Turkiye (Feb. 28, 2023) Boatswain's Mate 2nd Class Isacc Isbell, from Houston, directs a YOKOSUKA, Japan (Feb. 28, 2023) Sailors engage a simulated fire during an integrated damage control ADRIATIC SEA (Feb. 27, 2023) Lt. j.g. 1965 Great Lakes Company 672 Navy Boot Camp Book. Sailorization is designed to integrate new recruits into the Navy way of life, shape their expectations for future duty assignments, and give them the tools needed for career and personal . Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 877 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Our 1957 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. 33 Men Graduated 26 July 1961. 1947 Great Lakes Company 166 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 343 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. 78 Men Graduated. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 250 for 1988, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 47 Men Graduated 2 August 1973. Company Commander: J. W. Glassmyer, CSM. 55 Men Graduated 18 July 1957. Company Commander: O. L. Rawls, CS1. Each week we will post a picture from the U.S. Navy's only Boot Camp which highlights how we turn civilians into basically trained Sailors. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 275 for 1955, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster for Recruit Division 129 for 2002, United States Naval Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois. Navy Graduation Photos, The Keel, and PIR DVD Graduation photos are taken on week 4/day 4 of BC and are taken in the Dress Blue uniform. 80 Men Graduated 2 May 1962. Company Commander: Dale P. Helmer. 79 Men Graduated 24 October 1959. Company Commander: F. A. Brooksbank, SMC. Our 1968 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commander: H. E. Myers, QMC. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. 1948 Great Lakes Company 15 Navy Boot Camp Book. The extent of original materials at the GG Archives can be very beneficial when researching your family's migration from Europe. 25 Men Graduated 19 July 1961. Company Commander: J. W. Donnelly, GM1. 60 Men Graduated. Company Commander: N. R. West, C.G.M. I was the RPac of our division. 71 Men Graduated 26 July 1961. Company Commander: F. X. Seck, QMC, USN, 65 Men Graduated. 2002 Great Lakes Division 130 Navy Boot Camp Book. Consider refining search terms for better results. Company Commander: F. N. Burgess, ENC. Only 100 pages of images will display. 1966 Great Lakes Company 573 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 230 for 1954, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 558 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1997 Great Lakes Division 509 Navy Boot Camp Book. 74 Men Graduated 21 November 1997. 1978 Great Lakes Company 079 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1952 Great Lakes Company 352 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: R. Chapman, BMC. Company Commander: J. E. Mitchell, BMC. 1963 Great Lakes Company 085 Navy Boot Camp Book. Our 1950 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Our 1976 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. 1948 Great Lakes Company 49 Navy Boot Camp Book. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. 72 Men Graduated 30 July 1976. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 575 for 1972, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. The 900 companies were responsible for participating in every graduation. 1973 Great Lakes Company 313 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1951 Great Lakes Company 980 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1947 Great Lakes Company 164 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1948 Great Lakes Company 55 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1955 Great Lakes Company 275 Navy Boot Camp Book. See more of U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command on Facebook. 74 Men Graduated 29 October 1964. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 411 for 1958, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Grant, C.S.M. 79 Men Graduated. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 257 for 1966, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 284 for 1973, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1951 Great Lakes Company 285 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1957 Great Lakes Company 33 Navy Boot Camp Book. 57 Men Graduated 26 April 1957. 79 Men Graduated. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. 57 Men Graduated. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. 1952 Great Lakes Company 244 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 12 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: A. J. BEAL, BMC. 48 Men Graduated 17 December 1968. Company Commander: J. Waltrip, UT1. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 208 for 1968, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: ABH1 J. L. Hendrix. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 152 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 61 Men Graduated 31 January 1959. Company Commander: J. K. Christian, MM1. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 178 for 1959, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: F. J. JAHN, QMQC. Also check our Great Lakes NTC Graduation Books Wanted page. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 229 for 1967, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1968 Great Lakes Company 575 Navy Boot Camp Book. Our 1984 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commander: J. H. Kolenda. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 210 for 1964, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: H. D. Warren, Jr. EN1. Company Commander: ABEC E. L. Maguire USN. Company Commander: W. G. Baker, BMI. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 054 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Rear Adm. Michael Wettlaufer speaks with visits Navy recruits inside the USS Chief Firefighter Trainer during a tour of Recruit Training Command. Join in the story of four recruits as they make their way into the United States Navy through the training pipeline, never before so intimately profiled, of the Navy's Recruit Training Command. 1961 Great Lakes Drill Company 5921 Navy Boot Camp Book. Boot Camp . Log In. Company Commander: R.J.D. B. Anderson. Company Commanders: MM1 (SW) M. Smith and QM1 (SW) D.W. Lindal. 69 Men Graduated 9 March 1962. All Hands Magazine's full length documentary "Making a Sailor": This video follows four recruits through Boot Camp in the spring of 2018 who were assigned to DIV 229, an integrated division, which had PIR on 05/25/2018. 1948 Great Lakes Company 453 Navy Boot Camp Book. If you do, and your book is not yet in our collection, please consider offering us high-resolution scans of the front cover and the pages with the company recruit photos. 55 Men Graduated. Company Commander: M. C. Todd, EMC. Roster for Recruit Company 546 for 1962, United States Naval Training Center, San Diego, California. 71 Men Graduated 17 March 1964. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 124 for 1965, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 74 Men Graduated. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Our 1965 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. . Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. 1955 Great Lakes Company 455 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: E. J. Chambless, SMC. 104 Men Graduated. Company Commander: R. E. Discoe, BM1. [2] Company Commander: Norman Marty. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 254 for 1962, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Boot Camp 1986 . Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 443 for 1968, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 285 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. 1967 Great Lakes Drill Company 5964 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1964 Great Lakes Company 109 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1980-10 Boot Camp Photo . 1949 Great Lakes Company 261 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 65 for 1963, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: K. H. Hull, QM1. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 80 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 410 for 1965, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 110 Men Graduated. 1967 Great Lakes Company 229 Navy Boot Camp Book. Our 1979 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. 1973 Great Lakes Company 066 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: J. E. Gravelle, SHC. 98 Men Graduated. At Navy boot camp, a special recruit division is responsible for performing musical pieces and drill routines at each boot camp graduation. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 056 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Parting Shot: Basic Training Class Photos PARTING SHOT | Basic Training Class Photos (click photos to enlarge) Company A, 11th Battalion, 3rd Brigade, USATCA Ft. Knox Basic Combat Training October 9 to December 4, 1967 via Peter Henderson Ft. Knox Basic Combat Training June 8 to August 10, 1963 Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 179 for 1962, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster for Recruit Company 482 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, San Diego, California. 68 Women Graduated. Company Commander: G. E. Duckworth, DCC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 402 for 1964, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 270 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 107 Men Graduated. 1948 Great Lakes Company 11 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 33 for 1957, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 75 Men Graduated 20 May 1970. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 79 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 85 Men Graduated 14 January 1966. 1951 Great Lakes Company 054 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 259 for 1965, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1961 Great Lakes Company 077 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: C. M. Brubaker, CGM. 93 Men Graduated. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 357 for 1959, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Spencer Fling/Released) RM HFYGBD - 101112-N-8848T-439 GREAT LAKES, Ill. (Nov. 12, 2010) A recruit division marches past the reviewing stand during a graduation ceremony at Recruit Training Command. 64 Men Graduated 6 April 1973. 68 Men Graduated. 76 Men Graduated. Company Commander: J. W. Warren, CSM. 1948 Great Lakes Company 54 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1965 Great Lakes Company 356 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: F. Pisana, SM1. 58 Men Graduated 16 April 1956. 70 Men Graduated 23 January 1963. 2010 Great Lakes Division 927 Navy Boot Camp Book. 73 Men Graduated. Our 1960 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commander: MR1 R. L. Taylor USN. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 688 for 1965, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Our 1948 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 079 for 1978, United States Naval Training Center, San Diego, California. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 336 for 1968, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 9 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 72 Men Graduated 17 August 1973. Company Commander: W. J. Miller, SF1. Company Commander: J. J. Hallstrom, QMC. 1968 Great Lakes Company 208 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: J. G. Anderson, MMC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 014 for 1963, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 111 for 1950, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1948 Great Lakes Company 402 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: D. E. Duca, GMI. 75 Men Graduated. Company Commander: G. E. Duckworth, DCC. 79 Men Graduated 24 January 1956. Company Commander: EMC B. L. Aguado and EM1 J. T. Frilles. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 432 for 1956, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster for Drill Company 5922 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 75 Men Graduated. 66 Recruits Graduated 21 May 2010. Company Commander: E. C. Redman, GMC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 569 for 1960, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Browse 56 recruits train at great lakes navy boot camp stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. 1961 Great Lakes Company 558 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: A. G. Birgl, GMMC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 512 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Waters, QM1. 1953 Great Lakes Company 39 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1948 Great Lakes Company 260 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 012 for 1960, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1949 Great Lakes Company 122 Navy Boot Camp Book 1948 Great Lakes Company 10 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: S. R. Blazo, GMC. At Recruit Training Command we will train, mentor and anchor your life in the war-fighting culture of being a Sailor. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 241 for 1950, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: A. RTC San Diego . 55 Men Graduated. 1960 Great Lakes Company 464 Navy Boot Camp Book. All information on this site is approved by the Public Affairs Office. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Company Commander: L. L. Ward, GM1, USN, 37 Men Graduated. 1961 Great Lakes Company 614 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 115 for 1973, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 75 Men Graduated 21 December 1961. RM 2HE5RPB - Sailors watching football game during U.S. Navy Boot Camp, Hampton Roads, Virginia, 1919 (21895863455). 84 Men Graduated 13 August 1968. Graduation Review Yearbook for Recruit Companies 276-291 & 926 for 1962, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1973 Great Lakes Company 192 Navy Boot Camp Book. 80 Men Graduated 20 November 1968. 1968 Great Lakes Company 5962 Navy Boot Camp Book. GRADUATION DATE . More than 40,000 recruits train annually at the Navy's only boot camp. 77 Men Graduated. Our 1963 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 050 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 11 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 155 Men Graduated. Log In. 74 Men Graduated. Company Commander F. S. Wilds, CGM. More than 35,000 recruits train annually at the Navy's only boot camp. 1966 Great Lakes Company 257 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: J. E. Dunhuse. 60 Men Graduated 3 June 1955. Our 1977 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commander: M. E. Smith, QMC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 165 for 1947, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 042 for 1956, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1956 Great Lakes Company 110 Navy Boot Camp Book. To transform civilians into smartly disciplined, physically fit, basically trained Sailors who are. 1967 Great Lakes Company 640 Navy Boot Camp Book. The number following their designated specialty was the class (C = Chief, 1 = First, 2 = Second, 3 = Third). 1961 Great Lakes Company 354 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: P. D. Ryan, GM1. Company Commander: Robert Vidmar, CGM. Roster for Drill Company 5910 for 1963, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 77 Men Graduated 3 February 1967. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 16 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1968 Great Lakes Company 336 Navy Boot Camp Book. 82 Men Graduated 9 February 1973. Company Commander: C. E. Bussey, SHC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 051 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois.

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navy boot camp division photos 2007

navy boot camp division photos 2007

navy boot camp division photos 2007

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