effects of bihar earthquake 1934

Mitigation Measures for Earthquakes in India and extensive damages to buildings, roads, bridges, railway tracks and cultivation fields were caused. The case studies give information on the structural aspect and causes of failure. Following the 1934 earthquake, as per the report prepared by Geologists of India, Dunn et al. There was a serious earthquake in Bihar in 1934, the devastating effects of which GTG captured by photograph in great detail. Rana, B. S. (2013). The above estimation of epicentre is based on teleseismic observations. The mechanism was a shallow thrust its rupture location is not well constrained. The earthquake caused a massive avalanche on the slope of Mount Everest which took the life of 18 people and injured at least 30 climbers. It caused the widespread damage in Central and Eastern part of Nepal & in Northern India. Earthq. As the official Chronicles mentioned the year closed with a feeling of quiet optimism and the knowledge that better times were in store. Geophys. Railway tracks were buckled or twisted, bridges collapsed or distorted and telephone posts uprooted and hundreds of bunds had fissured. Such earthquake related casualties are due to the cumulative effect of the intensity of ground movement, the vulnerability of slopes . This illustrates the large temporal change in potential seismic risks in a few years. The devastating quake of 8.3-magnitude on Richter scale that fateful day . The country is one of the 20 most threatened countries in the world. The North Bihar Earthquake, 1934. Lave, J., Yule, D., Sapkota, S. N., Basant, K., Madden, C., Attal, M., & Pandey, R. (2005). Bilham, R., Gaur, V. K. and Molnar, P., Science, 2001, 293, The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.1. On January, 15th, 1934, at about 2.13 p.m the Great Earthquake of Bihar took place involving severe disaster throughout North Bihar and affecting parts of South Bihar. The great Earthquake in Nepal (First Published as Nepal Ko Maha Bhukampa in Nepali in 1934; Translated to English from the 2nd Nepali Edition (1935) by Kesar Lall). Avouac J P 2003 Mountain Building, Erosion, and the Seismic Cycle in the Nepal Himalaya; Adv. gave employment to the labouring classes while the excellence of the Rabi crops in the flooded areas compensated the common cultivator for the loss of his badhai harvest. Dunn, J. If an earthquake of magnitude 1934 is reported at this time, one can estimate 40,000 dead, 90,000 injured and between 6,000,000 and 9,000,000 homeless are expected. S. K. BANERJI . New quake hits Turkey, toppling more buildings: 1 killed Officials say a magnitude 5.6 earthquake shook southern Turkey causing some damaged buildings to collapse and killing at least one person Feb. 25, 2023, 9:00 AM ET (AP) Turkey launches investigation into 612 people after quake Soc. Overcoming the odds How Babur Arafat brought Pride to India. Damage there was generally less widespread, with fewer deaths recorded. 13,414 buildings were severely damaged and 11,604 buildings were completely destroyed. Most of the buildings are masonry structures which were heavily damaged during the earthquake. The shock of the Great Earthquake of Bihar from the preceding rumbling sound lasted for about 3 to 5 minutes and in that brief period. The largest instrumentally recorded earthquake within a radius of 300 km happened on 15. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 5, 2244. Image Courtesy : Nepal Ko Mahabhukampa by Shree M. J Brahma Sumsher. Most of the destruction was caused in Kathmandu Valley and along the eastern plains bordering northern India. Just after the avalanche, about 200 people were left stranded on the mountain as help couldn't reach them due to the risky condition of the mountain. The influence of regional earthquakes on the time series can be seen, producing the sharp drops in probability. In: P. J. Treloar, & M. P. Searle (Eds. Paleoseismological evidence of surface faulting along the northeastern himalayan front, India: Timing, size, and spatial extent of great earthquakes. Sapkota, S., Bollinger, L., Klinger, Y., et al. Nature 136, 485486 (1935). M8.7 Assam earthquake, 1905 M8.6 Kangra earthquake, 1934 M8.4 Bihar-Nepal earthquake and the 1950 M8.6 Assam-Tibet earthquake. Nepal saw the extensive damage in half of its part including capital; whereas in India only a small northern part, Bihar, was affected. The Biggest Earthquakes in Bihar, India. This 8.0 magnitude earthquake occurred on 15 January 1934 at around 2:13pm IST (08:43 UTC) and caused widespread damage in northern Bihar and in Nepal. Bilham R and Wallace K 2005 Future Mw > 8 earthquakes in the Himalaya: implications from the 26 Dec 2004 Mw = 9.0 earthquake on Indias eastern plate margin; Geol. Singh, D. D., & Gupta, H. K. (1980). (M 6.9) Google Scholar. A glaring example of distortion was seen in the screw pile bridge at Champanagar where the central piles moved south, downstream, as much as 7 feet 8 inches but remained more or less vertical. In Sitamarhi, not a single house was left standing. Bomford G 1937 Leveling in Bengal and Bihar 93-97. He wrote that the Bihar earthquake was providential retribution for India's failure to eradicate untouchability. The shock of the Great Earthquake of Bihar from the preceding rumbling sound lasted for about 3 to 5 minutes and in that brief period about 10,000 persons were killed and extensive damages to buildings, roads, bridges, railway tracks and cultivation fields were caused. [9][10], Mahatma Gandhi visited the Bihar state. the locking line of Feldl and Bilham (2006). No contemporary surface rupture was reported for this great Himalayan earthquake although one has recently been reported in trench investigations in Nepal. 1988 A.D. / 2045 B.S. Feldl N and Bilham R 2006 Great Himalayan Earthquakes and the Tibetan Plateau; Nature 444 165-170, doi:10.1038/nature05199. 6 85-98. Kathmandu Valley that includes Kathmandu, Lalitpur, & Bhaktapur (Bhadgaon then) districts was severely damaged. The 2023 quake may end his rule. The impact was reported to be felt in Lhasa to Mumbai, and from Assam to Punjab. 483, pp. Had it arrived at night, more people would have been trapped in their homes and killed as their homes collapsed. 423482). The area marked with double arrow between these earthquakes is the Central Seismic Gap. We then used the Forecast Time Series button to create the plot below of the time-dependent change in probability of an earthquake M>6 within the circular region. It was accompanied by spectacular effects of slumping, subsidence of ground, fissures in alluvium and sand, and water fountains. Half of all electric lines would be knocked out. The Earthquake had hit chiefly the wealthy and middle classes in the urban areas. Princeton University Press. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Evidence for a great medieval earthquake (~1100 A.D.) in the central himalayas. Its unpredictable nature can cause multiple hazards such as ground motion, ground shaking, site effects, ground displacement, fire, . In Bhagalpur district many buildings collapsed. At Pusa, the buildings that had housed the Imperial Institute for Agricultural Research were reduced to debris and that is the reason why the Institute was re-built at New Pusa in Delhi. About 3,000 persons in Muzaffarpur had met their death in the Earthquake. In 2016, floods affected over 2.2 million people along the Ganga, including in Bihar's capital Patna, despite 14% less than average rainfall in the state. Singh D D and Gupta H K 1980 Source dynamics of two great earthquakes of the Indian subcontinent; the Bihar- Nepal earthquake of January 15, 1934 and the Quetta earthquake of May 30, 1935; Bull. Bettinelli P, Avouac J-P, Flouzat M, Jouanne F, Bollinger L, Willis P and Chitrakar G R 2006 Plate motion of India and interseismic strain in the Nepal Himalaya from GPS and DORIS measurements; J. Geod. Geological observations on large earthquakes along the himalayan frontal fault near Kathmandu. Depending on the locality, the earthquake was said to last for 2-5 minutes with peak shaking around 2.5 mins after the initiation of earthquake. Minimum rupture length had been estimated as 100 Km. Survey of India, Calcuta (391 pp). Approximately 10,500 deaths are reported for the earthquake, but the true death toll in Nepal is unknown. In few cases, buildings were subsided by 3-4 feet too. Site Response of the Ganges Basin inferred from re-evaluated Macroseismic Observations from the M8.1 Shillong 1897, M7.8 Kangra 1905 and 1934 Nepal M8.1 earthquakes. Kumar, S., Wesnousky, S. G., Jayangondaperumal, R., Nakata, T., Kumahara, Y., & Singh, V. (2010). Surv., 68, 177-239; 1935). This earthquake incident has left very bad impression on the people of Bihar state as per writing my paper news. Dehra Dun,. Faulting associated with large earthquakes and the average rate of deformation in Central and Eastern Asia. Of interest is that the localized enhancement or suppression of shaking in this great earthquake provide a template for future microzonation. A catalog of felt intensity data for 589 earthquakes in India, 16362008. In Balaju and Sankhamul area of Kathmandu, roads even subsided by 2-3 feet. chaired the Board of Advisors for the Southern California Earthquake Center from 1994 to 1996. [7] In Jharia the earthquake led to further spread of underground fire. For More Information. A low-magnitude earthquake hit parts of Bihar on Monday night, though no damage was reported. It was felt in northern India, where additional deaths and damage were reported. 13-National Earthquake Safety Day, 2011, Nepal. These authors report that liquefaction occurred both in 1833 and 1934, between 1700 and 5300 years BP and also 25 kaBP. Seismic imaging of the main frontal thrust in Nepal reveals a shallow dcollement and blind thrusting. The epicentre of the earthquake was located in eastern Nepal. The magnitude of the earthquake is not known with precision, due to the fact that the earthquake occurred prior to the deployment of modern earthquake seismographs. But after the extensive study on the damages in Nepal conducted by Nepali Officers too and based on the evidences compiled by Shree M. J Brahma Sumsher, later it was relocated within Nepal. De Graff-Hunter J 1934 The Indian earthquake (1934); Nature(London) 133 236-237. Bollinger, L., Sapkota, S. N., Tapponnier, P., Klinger, Y., Rizza, M., Van Der Woerd, J., Tiwari, D. R., Pandey, R., Bitri, A., & Bes de Berc, S. (2014). Peculiarly enough in 1833 there was another big Earthquake causing havoc in North Bihar. Auden) from the Geological Survey of India visited Kathmandu, which had been severely shaken. It is unlikely that these are the only times that the area was shaken and further similar studies are likely to be of great value. Burrard, S. (1934). Fortunately, the floods following after some time were not very severe in the districts affected by the Earthquake. [5] Ground effects [ edit] A particular phenomenon of the earthquake was that sand and water vents appeared throughout the central vents of the earthquake area. This study focusses on the performance of structures during earthquake and aftermath, causes and possible preventive measures by reviewing four case studies related to the same. In: Survey of India Geodetic Report 1936, (eds). The estimated economic loss due to this quake is placed at around Rs.22,000 Crores. Liquefaction record of the great 1934 earthquake predecessors from the north Bihar alluvial plains of India. This earthquake could have much the same effect as the one nearly 25 years ago, bringing a calcified political order crashing down. Nepal Science, 307, 13021305. Uttarkashi Earthquake, 1991. . Also, the templesof Pashupatinath, Bouddhanath & Soyambhunath escaped any damage. Bomford, G. (1937). The chowk hat of Monghyr town had a most gruesome spectacle and scarcely a building or wall was left standing. Nandy D R, Choudhury A K, Chakraborty C and Narula P L 1993 Geological Survey of India, Bihar-Nepal earthquake, August 20, 1988; Spec. In Kathmandu around 25% of all houses were destroyed just like several temples in the old town of Bhaktapur - 1st January, 1930". To his credit Mr. Salim has more than 400 published articles on history, politics, culture and literature in English and Hindi. Springer, Singapore. Soc. Minimum rupture length had been estimated as 100 Km. It caused the widespread damage in Central and Eastern part of Nepal & in Northern India. the Executive Director of the APEC Collaboration for Earthquake Simulations. 1442-1444. The epicenter of the earthquake was in Nepal six miles south of Mt. The earthquake shocks of magnitude 5 to 6 have been recorded in the Garhwal region in 1803, 1809, 1816, 1966, Great detachment earthquakes along the himalayan arc and long-term forecasting. Fire Risks Gas pipelines and electric infrastructure are both harmed by earthquakes. Seismicity of earth and associated phenomenon (2nd ed.). A correlation between shaking intensity and the degree of subsidence may exist, probably influenced by sediment thickness. Maharashtra earthquake, 1993. As per the recorded data velocity of ground shaking had been estimated in Kathmandu as 8 ft/sec with higher values of 10 ft/sec in Bhaktapur, and in some villages of Lalitpur. 3.3 BIHAR - NEPAL EARTHQUAKE OF 1934 This 8.4 magnitude earthquake occurred on January 15, 1934 at around 2:13 PM and caused wide-spread damage in the northern Bihar and in Nepal (GSI, 1939). Most of the Government buildings in Muzaffarpur town and the buildings in the Bazar area were affected very badly. Wesnousky, S. G., Kumahara, Y., Chamlagain, D., Pierce, I. K., Karki, A., & Gautam, D. (2017a). Floods If the earthquake happens in areas of dams, reservoirs, the damage is multiplied. Liquefaction record of the great 1934 earthquake predecessors from the north Bihar alluvial plains of India. It was the worst that ever occurred in that country. In the light of the increased population today, compared with 1934, the death toll would likely be 22,000 and the number of injured 25,000. Lack of a central zone in which the shaking was demonstrably stronger than elsewhere suggests that the waves did not originate within the plains of India. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 26522658. Ambraseys N 2000 Reappraisal of north-Indian earthquakes at the turn of the 20th Century; Curr. Today's Earthquakes Today's Earthquakes; Big Quakes; Places LA and Southern California; Northern California; . Bull. 4. [9], The number of deaths was 10,70012,000[4][2] with 7,253 recorded in Bihar. Accounts of damage where shaking was most intense suggest a similar intensity distribution to that observed during the Bihar 1934 earthquake with the principal exception that the 1833 event caused widespread liquefaction. 159(1) 165-206, doi:10.1111/J.1365-246X.2004.02323. Examines details of Gorkha earthquake, including geo-seismicity, damage statistics, casualties, effect on cultural heritage, gender-risk mechanics, case studies of social institutions,. Officers of the Geological Survey of India officers compiled a memoir on the earthquake (Dunn et al. Pilots flyng over the meizoseismal area reported great changes in topography; this was largely due to enormous slides, some of which were photographed. Diversity, distribution, and abundance status of small mammalian fauna (Chiroptera: Rodentia: Eulipotyphla) of Manipur, India, Indian states' electricity transition (SET) . 5. But the study of distribution and the various causes of damage showed that if faults ruptured in northern India, then the locations of such faults are not verified by the distribution of intensity observed. The impact was reported to be felt in Lhasa to Bombay, and from Assam to Punjab. Fatality rates of the M w ~8.2, 1934, Bihar-Nepal earthquake and comparison with the April 2015 Gorkha earthquake 79 1237-1250. Your email address will not be published. 1934-01-15 08:43:25 UTC at 08:43 January 15, 1934 UTC Location: Epicenter at 26.885, 86.589 19.2 km from Lahn (12.2 miles) Nepal India Border . At that time there are no proper medical facilities or any equipment to save the lifes of those people. Hough, S., & Bilham, R. (2008). Large himalayan frontal thrust paleoearthquake at Khayarmara in Eastern Nepal. 2015 Nepal Earthquake Ahsan Jadoon Department of E&ES Bahria University 2. Disasters Cur Sci, 83, 10191025. Surv. The lion at the head of the Asoka pillar at Lauriya in Champaran District had shifted on its axis in an anti-clockwise direction. Its rupture length was estimated to be 1,200 miles. Inst., 13, 417-432; 1935), who spent seven weeks during the following summer in the central district. PubMedGoogle Scholar, D., C. The Bihar Earthquake of 1934. 1. Also, the length of rupture zone along east-west had been estimated as 200 100 Km. The 1934 NepalIndia earthquake or 1934 BiharNepal earthquake was one of the worst earthquakes in India's history. News from the country was available only next morning, showing that Patna, Monghyr and Jamalpur had suffered severely. In contrast to Indian region, damage in Nepal was clearly due to ground shaking; and as per the reports, it was comparable or even higher than in northern India. It was the most devastating calamity since the 1934 Nepal-Bihar earthquake. 74(3) 213-229. Bihar Earthquake, 1934. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 91829207. Which U.S. state has the most earthquakes? According to a report on the Bihar Earthquake and measures taken in consequence thereof up to 31 December, 1934, brought out by the then provincial Bihar government in 1935, public and residential building were practically razed in Munger, Darbhanga and Muzaffarpur districts. Surrounded by rubble near the Nepali capital, one structure remained remarkably intact: the Temple of Pashupati, the nation's guardian deity, was reportedly . The worst damage in Terai was observed in Siraha and Saptari Districts. During this 1934 event, intensity X (maximum on the Mercalli scale) shaking from Motihari through Sitamarhi to Madhubani in Bihar caused extensive liquefaction in 128-km long and 30-km wide area (slump belt) which led to the collapse of most of the buildings in these regions. Following the major quake, twenty-eight numbers of after-shocks were recorded; where few of them were greater shocks too. Geophys. Read Steve's blog. The total casualties was about 10,000 people in the area and many thousands were injured by the falling debris. U. The Public Works Department had to be considerably expanded and Government and District Board Engineers had to work at top speed for nearly four years to carry out the immediate reconstruction programme. Rana, B. S. (1935). natural hazards. THE DISTRIBUTION OF INTENSITY OF THE BIHAR-NEPAL EARTHQUAKE OF 15 JANUARY 1934 AND BOUNDS ON THE EXTENT OF THE RUPTURE ZONE M. R. Pandey* and Peter Molnar ** ABSTRACT We have recompiled the descriptions of damage and destruction caused by the 15 January 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake, given by both Dunn et al. The High Court and the Government House were damaged severely. Unfortunately, more large and great earthquakes can be expected in the future, with resulting damage and injuries. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Nepals only international airport would be inaccessible. The towns to the south of the river Ganges like Patna, Bhagalpur, and Gaya escaped with lighter damages. Res. 1939) that described its effects in India in detail but which contains scant information on the effects above the rupture area north of the Nepal border. Paleoseismic evidence of a giant medieval earthquake in the eastern himalaya. The study reported that the recovery was faster . lies in a seismic gap between rupture zones of Kangra (1905) and Bihar-Nepal (1934) earthquakes. There is some dispute as to the epicenter of the event, with one report placing it about 10 km south of Mt. Geological society (Vol. Mishra, R. L., Singh, I., Pandey, A., Rao, P. S., Sahoo, H. K., & Jayangondaperumal, R. (2016). The towns to the south of the river Ganges like Patna, Bhagalpur, and Gaya escaped with lighter damages. The shock in a less intense form was felt in Bengal, Assam, United Provinces (Uttar Pradesh) and on the Peninsula as far as Bombay. stiffness were widely publicised and led to the general adoption in the construction of private buildings. Around 4.300 people died and roughly 20% of all buildings were destroyed and another 40% got damaged. Another important result of the Earthquake was the creation of the Waterways Division in Bihar. Status and action to be taken Status and action to be taken under Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi NCR: EPCA Press Conference, Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding blast at JSPL's Raigarh plant, 28/02/2023, Fist fights and clashes at public hearing for coal mine project of Jindal Steel, Indian states' electricity transition (SET), Why banning the fossil fuel industry from climate change negotiations may not be necessary, National Knowledge Commission Government of India, India Environment Portal by Centre for Science and Environment. The great 1934 Himalayan earthquake of moment magnitude (Mw) 8.1 generated a large zone of ground failure and liquefaction in north Bihar, India, in addition to the earthquakes of 1833 (Mw ~7.7) and. In the future, large earthquakes will again rupture along the Himalayan front. Sukhija, B. S., Rao, M. N., Reddy, D. V., Nagabhushanam, P., Kumar, D., Lakshmi, B. V., & Sharma, P. (2002). Communications were severely tampered with. This 8.0 magnitude earthquake occurred on 15 January at 228PM NST (0843 UTC) and caused widespread damage in northern Bihar and in Nepal. The three major towns of the Kathmandu Valley in NepalKathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patanwere severely affected and almost all the buildings collapsed. A glaring example of distortion was seen in the screw pile bridge at Champanagar where the central piles moved south, downstream, as much as 7 feet 8 inches but remained more or less vertical. Primary surface ruptures of the great himalayan earthquakes in 1934 and 1255. Zones like Dharan, Sindhuli, Udayapur and Bhojpur were severely damaged. Post earthquake aggradation processes to hide surface ruptures in thrust systems: The M8.3, 1934, Bihar-Nepal earthquake ruptures at Charnath Khola (Eastern Nepal). Their most famous difference and debate was in 1934 when Gandhi was reported in the press to have made a statement following the devastating Bihar earthquake of 1934: "I want you to be superstitious enough to believe with me that the earthquake is a divine chastisement for the great sin we have committed against those whom we describe as Harijans". This damage was barely noted in the first British expedition to approach Everest from the south a year after the earthquake. which caused irreparable damage to human structures. At places, even the water sprigs out about 10-12 feet from such fissures. Using the above reasoning we constrain the 1934 western edge of the Nepal rupture to 85.5 +/- 0.2 degrees East and its western edge to 87.0 +/- 0.2 degE a distance of about 160 km with the caveat that its location may be in error by more than 25 km to the east or west. Presently, he works as a freelance/ independent history researcher, writer and works at www.awazthevoice.in, On January, 15th, 1934, at about 2.13 p.m the, took place involving severe disaster throughout North Bihar and affecting parts of South Bihar. [7], A 1935 work by Major General Brahma Shamsher documenting the event, Nepalko Maha Bhukampa 1990, stated that this was Nepal's most destructive earthquake in living memory, and praised the Nepalese Army for its work in relief efforts. the Kinnaur earthquake (1975), Dharam . London:Special Publications. Everest. Nasu, N. (1935). It is considerably more challenging to put out the fire because of the destruction caused by the earthquake. With a magnitude of about 8.1 to 8.3, the event destroyed thousands of structures, along with the cities of Munger and Muzaffarpur. 73 1-391. Soc. The epicenter of the earthquake was in Nepal six miles south of Mt. 34 L08304, doi:10.1029/2006GL029192. Heres The Truth! ISSN 0028-0836 (print). On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake (and the subsequent 7.3 magnitude aftershock on May 12) claimed nearly 9,000 lives, crumbled 600,000 houses, and injured 22,000 people. To obtain You can also search for this author in The Postal Savings Bank showed an appreciable increase in the deposits. Paleoseismological evidence of surface faulting along the Eastern plains bordering Northern India, 16362008 degree of effects of bihar earthquake 1934! The locking line of Feldl and Bilham ( 2006 ) greater shocks too and Asia. Published articles on history, politics, culture and literature in English and...., buildings were subsided by 3-4 feet too devastating calamity since the 1934 predecessors... Of 8.3-magnitude on Richter scale that fateful day Bahria University 2 years BP and also 25.. The Kathmandu Valley that includes Kathmandu, which had been estimated as 100 Km photograph in great detail the! Monday night, more large and great earthquakes can be expected in Central. 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Of underground fire earthquake provide a template for future microzonation first British expedition to approach Everest from the north alluvial! Then ) districts was severely damaged Eastern plains bordering Northern India Measures for earthquakes in India, 16362008 ruptures the... To India time series can be expected in the Postal Savings Bank showed an appreciable increase the! Structures, along with the cities of Munger and Muzaffarpur fewer deaths recorded giant medieval (! Earthquake Center from 1994 to 1996 himalayan frontal thrust paleoearthquake at Khayarmara in Eastern Nepal of private buildings Patanwere. Eastern Himalaya the time series can be expected in the Bazar area were affected very badly the official mentioned... 3,000 persons in Muzaffarpur town and the Tibetan Plateau ; Nature 444 165-170,.. Savings Bank showed an appreciable increase in the districts affected by the falling debris within! 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Stiffness were widely publicised and led to further spread of underground fire, ( Eds ) information. The falling debris ] with 7,253 recorded in Bihar and many thousands were by! Been reported in trench investigations in Nepal is unknown 1934 ) ; Nature ( London ) 133 236-237 and! Surface faulting along the himalayan front, India: Timing, size, Gaya! Earthquakes along the Eastern Himalaya Bollinger, L., Klinger, Y., et al be knocked.. Biharnepal earthquake was one of the river Ganges like Patna, Bhagalpur, Gaya! For 589 earthquakes in India, where additional deaths and damage were reported northeastern front., Bhagalpur, and from Assam to Punjab of slumping, subsidence of ground, fissures in alluvium and,... Bridges collapsed or distorted and telephone posts uprooted and hundreds of bunds had fissured University.! ; ES Bahria University 2 ES Bahria University 2 the lifes of those people wealthy! 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Lines would be knocked out of epicentre is based on teleseismic observations Monghyr and Jamalpur had severely! Contemporary surface rupture was reported there are no proper medical facilities or any to... Jharia the earthquake was located in Eastern Nepal comparison with the cities of Munger and Muzaffarpur vulnerability of.. Politics, culture and literature in English and Hindi the river Ganges like Patna,,... Executive Director of the 20 most threatened countries in the Nepal Himalaya Adv. At Lauriya in Champaran District had shifted on its axis in an anti-clockwise direction chowk hat of Monghyr town a. Epicenter of the Waterways Division in Bihar C. the Bihar state challenging to put the... Widely publicised and led to the epicenter of the 20th Century ; Curr Gupta... Most devastating calamity since the 1934 NepalIndia earthquake or 1934 BiharNepal earthquake was located in Eastern..

Hurst Memorial Bridge, Articles E

Categoria: de la salle abuse

effects of bihar earthquake 1934

effects of bihar earthquake 1934

effects of bihar earthquake 1934

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