cfi checkride plan of action

As any other checkride Ive taken in the past, the first task was to complete IACRA and review all of the documents required for the checkride. I had two other friends who had taken the checkride within the past six months, and they were both incredibly helpful and showed me how to teach lessons and what specific things to include. After coming to a full stop and retracting the flaps, we were offered the option to takeoff from present position rather than taxiing back for takeoff. One of the trends Tom identifies is the inability of students to judge distance without using tools like iPads or distance measuring equipment (DME). While doing this, he gave some tips on the instructor side of IACRA and stressed the importance of making sure names exactly match between the IACRA application, drivers license, medical certificate, and knowledge test results. (ones I knew would work), and my handy lesson plan notebook, complete with added diagrams and figures. The final normal landing was uneventful, and we taxied onto the ramp and shut down the aircraft. I used a toy propeller as an aid to explain P-factor and torque. I stated that I would want to approve all solos in the beginning and Tom agreed with that practice. Sectional Aeronautical Chart for your area. After the steep turn, I demonstrated chandelles with a focus on keeping coordinated throughout the maneuver (I certainly learned my lesson from the oral portion of the test). Make sure CFI candidates can teach using reference materials. This is a failure item. CFI checkride now counts as flight review After years of discussion, the FAA issued a new rule Sept. 16 allowing CFI practical exams to count as flight reviews. This Book has it all!! Many CFI candidates spend countless hours preparing lesson plans for every possible maneuver an examiner may ask them to teach on the test. We spent about an hour talking about instructor risk and common circumstances where instructors expose themselves more than they should. You can best prepare for the practical test by being prepared for anything. Encourage your customers to use these as a template on their CFI checkride, and modify them for the appropriate airport and aircraft. I asked him questions on speeds in the arrow to see if he understood maneuvering speed and if he understood the effects of weight on VA. Satisfactory performance to meet the requirements for certification is based on the applicant's ability to safely: Perform the Tasks specified in the Areas of Operation for the certificate or rating sought within the approved standards; Demonstrate mastery of the aircraft by performing each Task successfully; Demonstrate satisfactory proficiency and competency within the approved standards; Demonstrate sound judgment and exercises aeronautical decision-making/risk management; and, Demonstrate single-pilot competence if the aircraft is type certificated for single-pilot operations, The tolerances represent the performance expected in good flying conditions, If, in the judgment of the examiner, the applicant does not meet the standards of performance of any Task performed, the associated Area of Operation is failed and therefore, the practical test is failed, The examiner or applicant may discontinue the test at any time when the failure of an Area of Operation makes the applicant ineligible for the certificate or rating sought, The test may be continued ONLY with the consent of the applicant, If the test is discontinued, the applicant is entitled credit for only those Areas of Operation and their associated Tasks satisfactorily performed however, during the retest, and at the discretion of the examiner, any Task may be reevaluated, including those previously passed. Students should strive to remain within standards and when a deviation occurs, promptly This is only about 5 percent lower than the average for all practical tests. Done. CFI-I Oral Plan of Action. Instructor responsibility and professionalism was another topic we covered in depth on the FOI portion of the checkride. You must log in or register to reply here. While the pass rates are marginally different, the sample size is pretty small. In total, the oral is only 3 hours, which isnt bad. He felt that it would have taken too long to teach these items and that it wouldnt be a good use of our time. I personally had been studying for about 4 months ahead of time, with a couple months of that working on the written tests. Be able to have a conversation about the AIH. 4 Real-Life Lessons for Your Initial CFI Checkride, 2. And the OP does not appear to be referring to a Lesson Plan. Task A: Certificates and Documents, IV. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. So I've been trying to prepare for this - my biggest fear is being asked something and either drawing Continue reading "CFI Checkride Oral Prep: Runway Incursions Lesson Plan" Next, I taught him power on and off stalls and secondary stalls. The second chandelle to the left was satisfactory. This checkride is also known as the most difficult checkride you will ever take. 1. While the CFI ground portion often will take three to five hours, if it is going beyond that it is probably not a good sign. If you do this, you will almost certainly pass. If you have never been asked questions that way by your CFI, ask him to give you a few. Dont bring up new information or try to show that you are knowledgable. Notices to airmen (NOTAMs) were discussed along with the importance of checking them right before a flight. By giving your CFI applicants a proper understanding and a little planning, you can help take some of the jitters out. The CFI Practical Test Standards require a DPE to sample from various areas of the materialnot to cover it all. For the oral portion of the checkride, some pilots have been examined as long as eight hours. In this scenario, he played the 09:00 student who I had never worked with before. Ground Reference Maneuvers (The examiner must select Task D and one other Task) When Tom came back in, I started out by briefly explaining the requirements of a commercial rating and what he could expect to learn while pursuing a commercial certificate. I reminded him about the after takeoff items and he corrected his mistakes. Being exceptionally prepared for the FOIs can only help you. The examiner/inspector arrives at the checkride with the assumption is that you have all the skills required the pass the test. is a great tool to reference while preparing for the checkride. Nearly all questions to you will be scenario based. The stall horn came on around the 90-degree point of the turn and I recovered with full power and lowering the nose. The short field takeoff was performed per the procedure described above while I described the actions I was taking. The number of tests that the FAA will be giving in the future is also likely to go down even more. Subsequent verification by the appropriate CFI or Stage Check Pilot is required. Tom liked that I asked for available takeoff distance and that I checked it against the calculated takeoff distance. 4 0 obj <> Initial checkride for FAR 61 Subpart K applicants: $600. Task A: Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals (ASEL and ASES), Task C: Airport/Seaplane Base, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting (ASEL and ASES), VII. He emphasized that he really wasnt interested in earning his commercial certificate but still wanted to fly for work. I did a normal takeoff and headed out to the practice area. 1 0 obj If you are getting ready for your CFI practical test, below are some general recommendations based on my initial CFI checkride in 2020. Does anyone have a CFI checkride plan of action that they can share? Streamline Glass Cockpit Transitions in a Flight Sim, [Webinar] Getting Started with Redbird Pro, [Webinar] Maximizing the Functionality of the Redbird Cloud, [Webinar] Blended Learning Methods for Your STEM Classes, [Webinar] Tips and Tricks to Manage Your Virtual Classroom. Focus on the Fundamentals of Instruction (FOIs), (A) Human Behavior and Effective Communication, (E) Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism. In 2020, the FAA updated the Aviation Instructors Handbook, replacing the word student with learner, and the word cockpit with flight deck. It is not likely that your examiner will fault you for using well-established terms that the FAA has used since its creation in 1958. Upon climbing out of the class C airspace, I demonstrated a power-on stall to first indication followed by a steep turn to the left. One of the recommendations Tom had that I really like was to keep a binder full of rainy day lessons that could be taught when the weather is bad. The Practical Test Standards (PTS) series guides student pilots, ight Fundamentals of Flight (The examiner must select at least one Task) On the downwind leg, I had Tom self-evaluate his performance to which he did a good job of. I discontinued my first chandelle part way through because I did not reach the appropriate max-pitch-up- attitude at the 90-degree point of the maneuver. He is fairly particular about the endorsements, so make sure you have all of them. This app is NOT specifiaclly tailored for the CFI-Instrument Rating Instructor checkride. (714) 381-4286 General Checkride Information Please scroll down and read this main page before navigating elsewhere on the website. Overall, the oral portion of the checkride took about five hours where I felt I talked for 75% of it and he talked the other 25%. Nothing crazy here. Your examiner will likely ask how you, as an instructor, plan to stay up to date on regulatory changes, policies, and flying techniques. Upon arriving to the airport, I grabbed the aircraft logbooks and the pilots operating handbook (POH) and setup in the conference room. These tips will let you do both. Tom had me explain the endorsements required for a student pilot from the beginning of their training to taking their checkride. I am interested to see how others have approached this. For every CFI checkride, he includes the following areas in the oral: FOI (1 Hour) The Learning Process Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism Technical Subject Areas (1.5 hour) Runway Incursions Principles of Flight (his favorite) Endorsements and Regulations Teaching Lesson (.5 hour) Crosswind Landings Initial checkride for FAR 141 Subpart J, or FAR 61 Subpart H applicants: $800. Contents: Fundamentals of Instruction Review Certificates and Documents Airworthiness Requirements Weather Information IFR Cross-Country Flight Planning Get the latest flight training tips, tactics, and news delivered to your inbox every month. Position: Captain CR7/CR9. Task A: Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated) (ASEL and ASES), Task B: Systems and Equipment Malfunctions (ASEL and ASES), Task C: Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear (ASEL and ASES), Task D: Emergency Descent (ASEL and ASES), XIV. After the lesson, we dove into the Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI) portion of the exam. Can you cite a reference that says differently? Open Document. What are the four principles of risk management? Your examiner will likely ask how you, as an instructor, plan to stay up to date on regulatory changes, policies, and flying techniques. Find a suitable landing field. . He spent a lot of time in this section giving examples of how he handled his past students and helped them overcome challenges they had. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Sitemap | Patreon | Contact, AOPA Training Tip - A 'Nasty Rotten' Checkride, Federal Aviation Administration - Pilot/Controller Glossary, AOPA - FAA Re-Examinations and Medical Certificates, AOPA - Re-Examination and Pilot Certificate Deposit, Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA), Airmen Certification Frequently Asked Questions, Your checkride is arguably one of the most stressful experiences throughout flight training, An appropriately rated flight instructor is responsible for training the, Because of the impact of their teaching activities in developing safe, proficient pilots, flight instructors should exhibit a high level of knowledge, skill, and the ability to impart that knowledge and skill to students, Throughout the applicant's training, the flight instructor is responsible for emphasizing the performance of effective visual scanning, collision avoidance procedures, the manufacturer's recommended procedures for the airplane flown, and other areas deemed appropriate to the practical test, The examiner conducting the practical test is responsible for determining that the applicant meets the acceptable standards of knowledge and skill of each Task within the appropriate practical test standard, Since there is no formal division between the "oral" and "skill" portions of the practical test, this becomes an ongoing process throughout the test, Oral questioning, to determine the applicant's knowledge of Tasks and related safety factors, should be used judiciously at all times, especially during the flight portion of the practical test, Examiners shall test to the greatest extent practicable the applicant's correlative abilities rather than mere rote enumeration of facts throughout the practical test, If the examiner determines that a Task is incomplete, or the outcome uncertain, the examiner may require the applicant to repeat that Task, or portions of that Task, This provision has been made in the interest of fairness and does not mean that instruction, practice, or the repeating of an unsatisfactory task is permitted during the certification process, When practical, the remaining Tasks of the practical test phase should be completed before repeating the questionable Task, On multiengine practical tests, where the failure of the most critical engine after liftoff is required, the examiner must give consideration to local atmospheric conditions, terrain, and type of aircraft used, However, the failure of an engine shall not be simulated until attaining at least VSSE/VXSE/VYSE and at an altitude not lower than 400 feet AGL, During simulated engine failures on multiengine practical tests, the examiner shall set zero thrust after the applicant has simulated feathering the propeller, The examiner shall require the applicant to demonstrate at least one landing with a simulated-feathered propeller with the engine set to zero thrust, The feathering of one propeller shall be demonstrated in flight, unless the manufacturer prohibits the intentional feathering of the propellers during flight, Throughout the flight portion of the practical test, the examiner shall evaluate the applicant's use of visual scanning and collision avoidance procedures. % P psalm91 New Member Apr 5, 2007 #5 tgrayson said: Next, DPEs must createand are required to usea written plan of action for each checkride. Reply. For every CFI checkride, he includes the following areas in the oral: Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism. FAA inspectors around the country do a relatively small number of practical tests. What are the four characteristics of learning? After a 15 minute break, we talked next about runway incursions. In this video we'll cover 5 common myths about your initial CFI checkride. I covered the importance of coordination in the maneuver and monitoring airspeed as to not get into a stalled condition in the last bit of the turn. Study a lot and fly until you are comfortable with the maneuvers. CFI checkride plan of action Jetcareers May 5th, 2018 - Does anyone have a CFI checkride plan of action that they 2 / 8. Lastly, don't forget about any supplementary materials you would use to teach student pilots. He has a library of navigation logs with errors such as missing fuel calculations, times incorrect by hours, and misspellings in fixes and airport identifiers. At a minimum, you should have the following books (current or most recent versions) with you for your CFI practical test: All FAA handbooks are available for free, and electronic versions of each publication are an option. Not naming names to protect the redeemed. Task A: Maneuvering During Slow Flight (ASEL and ASES). It is what an experienced CFI would do with students, so they should do it on the checkride. Task C: Power-Off Stalls (Proficiency) (ASEL and ASES), Task D: Cross-controlled Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES), Task E: Elevator Trim Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES), Task F: Secondary Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES), Task H: Accelerated Maneuver Stalls (Demonstration) (ASEL and ASES), XII. Practical Guide to the CFI Checkride (Practical Exam Guide Series) . Reviewed in the United . The term instructional knowledge means the instructor applicant is Unlike all of the other checkrides I had taken previously, there wasnt a requirement to plan a cross-country flight. Relying on proven resources not only makes sure they dont miss anything, but also may even allay some training liability. It's not like it takes a whole lot of brain power to write a plan of action. He took a brief look at my weight and balance calculations and we talked about the short-field takeoff procedure published in the Piper Arrow POH. You can find most things here, but he does not want to see you repeat acronyms or definitions. . Toms first task for me was to teach a lesson on chandelles. Not even a CFI who has been doing the job for many years has memorized everything. Again, references are key to success. A CFI candidate wont be asked to teach everything. Preflight Preparation (The examiner must select at least one Task) The weather was VFR for our flight, but the surface winds were 20 knots gusting 25, and the winds aloft were supposed to be 30 knots. As with any exam question, you should use real-life examples to demonstrate your proficiency and understanding. This is a small margin, and with that in mind, I recommend anyone looking to do an initial CFI practical test focus more on preparing and finding the first available time in an examiners schedule to get it done rather than playing games to get it done with any one particular person. He answered incorrectly so we covered how speed affects left-turning tendencies again to which he then understood. What are the four theories of forgetting? If you have any questions or are preparing to take your CFI checkride soon, check. After looking at the weather, I elected to discontinue the checkride due to high crosswinds and we filled out the required paperwork for a letter of discontinuance. Emergency Operations (The examiner must select at least Tasks A and B) For a little additional effort, a ground instructor certificate offers some potential benefits that a CFI may use later in his or her career. I focused my discussions during the maneuvers towards the psychomotor actions and the sight pictures experienced during each phase of the maneuvers. I did not know why so I looked it up in my tabbed Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (PHAK) and explained how aircraft design (specifically a larger angle of incidence on the left wing) helps prevent that. You need to go to your CFI prepared to explain everything in the PTS. The normal takeoff Tom performed went about as well as I was expecting. Obviously, as a CFI, you should know the entire PTS, but these are the key areas for the checkride. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds (The examiner must select at least two takeoff and two landing Tasks), Task A: Normal and Crosswind Takeoff and Climb (ASEL and ASES), Task B: Short-Field (Confined Area ASES) Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb (ASEL and ASES), Task C: Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb (ASEL), Task F: Normal and Crosswind Approach and Landing (ASEL and ASES), Task G: Slip to a Landing (ASEL and ASES), Task H: Go-Around/Rejected Landing (ASEL and ASES), Task I: Short-Field Approach and Landing (ASEL and ASES), Task J: Soft-Field Approach and Landing (ASEL), Task K: Power-Off 180 Accuracy Approach and Landing (ASEL), VIII. I then proceeded to explain what a chandelle is and the purpose of it being a maximum performance turn. Every CFI initial candidate the school has produced has done this and they have a 100% pass rate. He had me show him the required inspections in the logbooks which I had tabbed on a previous day to make finding them easier. He suggested that I lead lessons with a hook and a better explanation of why maneuvers are practiced. i have to go with tgrayson here. To reinstate your CFI, you only need to meet the standards of one of the ratings on your flight instructor certificate. Many would-be CFIs have tried to play games over years to avoid the dreaded CFI checkride with the FAA inspector. Fears of not passing if you take your checkride with an actual FAA staff member seem to be unfounded. The winds had luckily died down from 090 @ 18 knots and shifted to 040 @ 13 and greatly aided in my ability to put it down on the numbers. Effective June 11, 2018. Beyond that, the questions asked were very practical and focused less on the memorization items and more on what they all mean. Task A: Straight-and-Level Flight (ASEL and ASES), Task C: Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns (ASEL AND ASES), Task D: Straight Descents and Descending Turns (ASEL and ASES), IX. He didnt give any weird questions or scenarios. Postpone the test if you are sick or not feeling well. He shared that he does not do biannual flight reviews anymore but will work with them on Wings Program activities to help them complete a phase of wings. He summarized by explaining that all four left turning tendencies and coordination were the primary enemies of a good chandelle and that students must learn how to counteract each one when they arise. Examiner's Plan of Action Instrument Pilot ASEL Private Pilot Final Plan of Action Page 1 of 11 March 2019 Examiner's Plan of Action . Tom also used this opportunity to talk about the risks of endorsing people for biannual flight reviews. Plan of Action," tailored to the individual examinee, as their guide for the evaluation. Changes published Jan. 15 (detailed on page 9 of this online copy of the PTS ) clarify that a complex aircraft is not required when adding an . We then discussed the plan of action. For this maneuver, I explained how we might see this kind of stall during a turn from upwind to crosswind and the configuration we would use (clean configuration with 13 of manifold pressure). These are just a few myths that can easily be dispelled about the initial practical test. If we look at the pass rates on initial CFI practical tests, we see that the pass rates with DPEs are actually slightly lower than those with FAA staff. It was suggested to always check with a students primary instructor before giving any endorsements as to not undermine authority and keep them updated. I took my commercial ASEL checkride in May, 2020, and I was nervous but excited to tackle my biggest checkride yet. Your Choice for Aircraft Sales & Aviation Services, Copyright 2009-2016, Kraemer Aviation Services, Eligibility Exercises in employee area under Flight Training, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Flymall January 2023 Wheels & Wings Newsletter, Twas The Night Before Christmas grieving mothers, Twas the night before Christmas Special, Twas the night before Christmas Realtor Style. Preflight Lesson on a Maneuver to be Performed in Flight The last hour of the oral portion was spent talking about common errors seen on private pilot checkrides and how to avoid teaching students those bad habits. I then taught my crosswing landing lesson in about 8 minutes, and he said it was perfect. Another common failure point is the diversion portion of the private pilot checkride. After the standard paperwork review (another gander at my logbooks, a look at the aircraft logbooks, the 8710, the knowledge exams, etc) I had to part with my fee. Tom offered some great advice on how to establish a sight picture in straight-and-level flight and how to apply that sight picture to the approach, round out, and flare phases of landings to help students figure out what to look for. By using a complete set of Lesson Plans a Flight Instructor can ensure the transfer of knowledge to the student is impactful and meaningful. He then understood a whole lot of brain power to write a plan action! Lessons for your initial CFI checkride, and my handy lesson plan 4 Real-Life for... This, you only need to go to your CFI prepared to explain P-factor and torque Guide to the is! Down the aircraft cfi checkride plan of action checkride yet I did not reach the appropriate airport and aircraft instructor ensure... 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cfi checkride plan of action

cfi checkride plan of action

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